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The Research On Urban Landscape In Contemporary Art

Posted on:2020-09-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K H LvFull Text:PDF
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Urban landscape is like a curtain.After unveiling it,the political civilization,economic development and the daily life of residents that hide behind this curtain can be seen clearly.Because of these city residents and associated events hiding behind this curtain,the landmarks and buildings in city are not only physical structures,but also fulfill with biographies and individuals.Since the advent of urban landscape painting,along with the development of city,its format and spirit have been enriching continuously.The painting of urban landscape is not only to present the styles and features of city simply,but also to explore and discuss the living circumstance of human.Until now,urban landscape painting still has lively vitality.As the increase of Chinese economy,the urbanization appears the trend of expanding rapidly.And the environment around us is changed dramatically as well.Emerged contradictions and adversarial relationships are prominent in cities where work as the center of politics,economy and culture.The immoderate expanding of city,the confrontation with nature,the contradictory relationship between ‘individual' and ‘public' in city,the living environment and mental state of urban residents and the completely new visual experience brought by information science and technology,all of those provide artists with numerous creative materials.In contemporary painting,the presence of urban landscape painting is diversified: the documentary presence of urban landscape,expressing humanistic care by urban landscape,discussing the living environment of urban and making the image of urban landscape by using advanced technologies.Urban landscape painting is tied in with the production and practice of human and social civilization,which has distinct era features and humanistic significance.This thesis focuses on the topic of the research on urban landscape in contemporary art.The research content is listed as follows: Chapter 1 is about the background introduction,which consists of 4 sections: the research background,the research content and method,the research aims and significance and the innovations of this thesis.Chapter 2 is the summary of the urban landscape,where the origin and development of urban landscape is introduced briefly,the concept and category of urban landscape painting mentioned in this thesis are elaborated.Chapter 3 is the literature research of the urban landscape painting at the both of home and abroad.The current research situation of urban landscape painting in home and abroad are detailed,respectively.Chapter 4 is the real cases analysis regarding the urban landscape painting of contemporary art.This chapter details five contemporary artists and their works.Chapter 5 is the significance of developing urban landscape painting with three sections,which involves the humanism of urban landscape,the discussion and query of the living environment around us during the urbanization progress.And also the complete new experience in the information age.Chapter 6 is the personal practices in urban landscape painting.Combine with the knowledge learned in the postgraduate period,my personal understanding in urban landscape painting and some works are described in this Chapter.Finally,Chapter 7 is the summary.
Keywords/Search Tags:urban, urban landscape, contemporary art, painting
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