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A Study Of The Partisans In The Eastern Han Dynasty

Posted on:2020-08-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J B YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330578473184Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
“The gentlemen are not gang up for selfish interests”,“The gentlemen are magnanimous,not collusive;while villains are collusive,not magnanimous ”,which are the famous words left by Confucius.The scholar-bureaucrat who are in the Eastern Han Dynasty claim to be“gentleman”,but imprisoned in the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.Some scholars defined “the Disaster of Danggu” as power struggle within the ruling class,it is should be acknowledged,but we must consider the difference between the scholar-bureaucrat and eunuch,the scholar-bureaucrat have faith,and the concern for society.So we are talking about the partisans,analysis of the historical background,characters,and evaluation,expect a deeper understanding about this group.The first chapter mainly traces the “clique” with origin and development,as well as the attitude from the Various Schools of Thought in the Pre-Qin Period.The “clique” borned with usurp power and form cliques for private gain,so it leads to the disgust of the rulers,Influence so far.The second chapter mainly talk about the historical backgrounds of the partisans.Beyond imperial power,the clan of the Consorts and eunuch,the partisans various reasons.The policy promote the Confucianism to socialize,shaped a class which have same values;local schools and private schools developed regional groups anywhere,part and center became entirety by“Tai Xue”;the clan of the Consorts and eunuch disrupt the order of Eastern Han Dynasty,the scholar-bureaucrat reestablish the order launched the social movement;besides,imperial power has been privatized(“Zhuo Hua”)played an important role to partisans.The third chapter mainly talk about the characters of partisans.The relations between the scholar-bureaucrat and emperor are complex,on the one hand,“rationality(the scholar-bureaucrat)restrict the power(emperor)”;on the other hand,“power restrict the rationality”,this relationship out of balance in the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.The partisans are skilled in Confucianism,perform its obligations and duty of official and teacher;the partisans claim “Qing Liu”,distinguish from “Zhuo Liu”,they learned Rangers' spirits to maintain fairness and justice,however,became invisible power which accelerate the pace of extinction of Eastern Han Dynasty.The fourth chapter mainly talk about judgement about the partisans in different periods in history.Historian in Wei and Jin Dynasty,appreciate partisans mostly;Fan Ye's Hou Han Shu is more objective;Cao-Wei abandoned the “Fu Hua”,while inherited they spirits;the scholars are criticizing the partisans to improve public morals;scholars in Song,Ming and Qing Dynasty,praise partisans' spirit,as well as understand limitation of the times they are living.The conclusion mainly talk about the Disaster of Danggu's affect for partisans.After the Disaster of Danggu,part of them are continue concerned on Eastern Han Dynasty;some of them gave up concerning the country and turned to expanded themselves.The rest are focusing on individual freedom,pay more attention to Confucianism and Daoism,being the pioneer of“Wei Jin Style”.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Eastern Han Dynasty, Clique, The partisans
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