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Compensation Strategies Used In Translation-A Report Of Translating THE THIRTY YEARS' WAR:1618-1648

Posted on:2020-12-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ShenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This report is based on translating THE THIRTY YEARS' WAR: 1618-1648.The book is a historical text and contains a lot of background knowledge.Due to insufficient search for information on the relevant historical background knowledge and unawareness of differences between English and Chinese patterns of expressing ideas,the author finds many incoherent places in her translation of the first draft.By employing compensation strategies,the author makes up for the shortcoming in her later edited translation.Therefore,the translation of the final draft can convey the original information of the source text more accurately and clearly and build a bridge of transferring knowledge between readers and the source text writer.Under the guidance of the theoretical principle of translation compensation,the author will demonstrate in this report how to use compensation strategies to solve the problem of incoherence in translation from the perspective of compensating for lexical meaning,logical relationship and background knowledge.The author hopes that her demonstration can help future translators in solving problems in the process of translating.This report is divided into four parts.The first chapter is an overview of the task,mainly introducing the background and significance of this translation task.The second chapter,task process,describes the three detailed processes of pre-translation preparation,translation process and proofreading.The third chapter is case analysis,the core part of the whole report.On the basis of principles of translation compensation,the author uses typical cases to sum up the application of compensation strategies.The last chapter is the conclusion,summarizing the author's experience in this translation.
Keywords/Search Tags:compensation strategies, historical text translation, language differences, background knowledge
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