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On The Ethical Implication Of Kuki Shuzou's Philosophy Of Contigency

Posted on:2020-05-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L KangFull Text:PDF
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Kuki shuzou is a famous scholar in Japan.He studied in the West for many years and studied under famous works such as Heidegger and Bergson.He has an in-depth understanding of Western philosophy.With great enthusiasm to study the philosophical problems of contingency,in the view of the kuki shuzou,the contingency problem is the metaphysical core problem,and to establish a unique "accidental philosophy" to solve this core problem.The construction of "accidental philosophy" created by kuki shuzou is not only related to his unique study process and life trajectory,but also based on the extensive absorption of Western cultural philosophy.The first chapter focuses on the different influences of Heidegger,Kant,Bergson,etc.on the formation of the eccentric philosophy of the kuki shuzou.Then use logic to analyze the form of the pattern,clarify the basic concepts of all kinds of accidents,clarify the basic meanings of various accidental concepts,and the accidental and false choices of the blunt accidents and false words in the "Contingency Problem" of the kuki shuzou.The internal logic between them is given as a whole.Then,based on the accidental ontology structure as the basic principle,the ethical thoughts involved in the theory of the accidentality of the kuki shuzou were elaborated.First of all,the kuki shuzou created a moral relationship with the occasional and inevitable relationship.He advocated morality as the original driving force,and inevitably the final pursuit of the form.Secondly,in terms of ethics,he explained the concept of freedom,and believed that the duality reflects people's real life state,and on this basis distinguishes the concept of intention and luck.These ideas are inspiring to ethical issues such as moral luck and freedom.opinion.Finally,the revelation of the principle of contingency of the kuki shuzou to modernity,one of which is the "accidental" tendency of modern ethical research,which makes the contingency theory created by the kuki shuzou Zhou especially important.The second is to explore the concept of the occasional interpretation of the kuki shuzou.How to achieve happiness as much as possible.
Keywords/Search Tags:philosophy of contigency, ethical implication, moral luck, destiny, happiness
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