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The Pursuit Of Value In Marx's Doctor Dissertaion

Posted on:2020-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330575493173Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At the beginning of 1841,Marx publicly published "The natural philosophy of Democritus and Epicurus,the difference of natural philosophy"(hereinafter referred to as "doctoral thesis"),which was the first philosophical lucubration of young Marx.At the time of Marx's writing of the doctoral thesis,in the political reality,he saw the reign of terror of the Prussian government of Germany against the people: the promulgation of strict censorship orders,the establishment of secret courts,and the harsh repression of all groups and organizations of a revolutionary nature;Academically,Hegel's death led to the rapid division of his philosophy into the old Hegel faction and the young Hegel faction.The old Hegel faction clings to the conservative and idealistic concepts in the philosophy of the middle,and turns a blind eye to dialectics.The young Hegel faction called for the application of Hegel's principles to the reform of the existing religious and political system of the Prussian government,which coincides with the thought of the passionate young Marx.Therefore,Marx joined the young Hegel faction,and his leader,Bruno Bowell,became close friends,and under his influence chose the ancient Greek philosophy of self-consciousness as the core idea of his doctoral thesis,and stood on the standpoint of self-consciousness philosophy,paying great attention to the problem of human freedom.The writing of this paper is divided into three parts,and in the first part,the historical premise of Marx's thought is discussed.The study and study of ancient Greek culture in Marx's boyhood provided rich nutrition for his later writing.The development of German classical philosophy also provides a wealth of material and methodological guidance for Marx's research on Free thought.Hegel's death allowed the young Hegel faction,who was born out of Hegel's philosophy system,to give full play to the revolutionary factors in their teacher's philosophical system and to create their own philosophical theory.Powell created a philosophy of self-consciousness in response to the oppression of the people by social reality,and he wanted to lead people to freedom;The critical activities of David Strauss and others on their religious theology,which were launched against the system of the Prussian government,all provided theoretical basis for the germination of Marx's free thought in the youth period.In the second part of the article,the paper focuses on Marx's exposition on free thought.In Marx's "doctoral thesis",Democrit and Epicurus differ in epistemology,allowing Marx to solve the problems that have not yet been solved in Greek history,and Epicurus' s atomic motion form shows the realization path of atomic concept,in which the atom is not a mechanical atom,it obtains a dynamic "soul".Therefore,Marx seems to argue in the doctoral thesis that the differences in the philosophical theories of the two philosophers,in fact,also imply his argument of free thought.In the third part of the article,the value of "doctoral thesis" is demonstrated.When the British and French bourgeoisie developed rapidly in the 18 th century,Germany was still a feudal autocratic state ruled by Prussia.It was not until the beginning of the 19 th century that the German bourgeoisie appeared,and at a time when he was about to fight against the feudal forces,the proletariat against him had picked up the screwed and stood behind him and dug his grave for him.In studying the dialectical development of Epicurus' s atomic theory,Marx saw the limitation of the German bourgeois Democratic revolution itself,and he believed that the bourgeois democratic revolution was only a part of the historical development process and was not the final result of historical development.Only in the dark social reality,the bourgeoisie urgently needs to explode a revolution to change their own status quo,and Marx's "doctoral thesis" happens to provide them with theoretical support.At the same time,we can also see in the doctoral thesis,Marx and Hegel,Powell and other people's philosophical theory of different content,this is the source of his new World outlook.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, "doctoral thesis", thought of freedom, Value pursuit
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