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A Translation Project Report On Classical Art:A Life Story From Antiquity To The Present (Chapter Three)

Posted on:2020-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H JiangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This is a translation project report,of which the source text is selected from Chapter Three of the book Classical Art: A Life Story from Antiquity to the Present written by Caroline Vout.This chapter,an informative type,discusses the development of Greek culture into Roman culture which is influenced by the former.This report reflects the process of the translator's application of translation theory and practice.It follows the guidance of Eugen Nida's functional equivalence theory and lays the emphasis of the theory on the translation practice,with such translation skills as Division,Conversion,Inversion,Amplification and Thick Translation adopted for analysis.In addition,lots of searching work has done for accuracy and fidelity in translating.This report enhances the translator's understanding of translation and of the utilization of translation techniques,laying a good foundation for the future translation research.
Keywords/Search Tags:translation project report, Classical Art:A Life Story from Antiquity to the Present, Eugen Nida, functional equivalence
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