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Tourism Development Performance Of Traditional Villages Based On Sense Of Place

Posted on:2020-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330596467654Subject:Human Geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the past,relevant research on tourism development performance evaluation mostly used objective and measurable indicators,and to some extent ignored the experience and emotions of related subjects of tourism activities.However,tourism is an activity in which relevant subjects can perceive differences of place.In the context of the more obvious characteristics of tourism activities as emotional consumption,it is necessary to explore the possible value of sense of place in tourism development performance evaluation.As a rural settlement that has survived to this day,traditional villages are not only the carrier of human-land relationship during the period of human-land relationship are roughly balanced,but also have relatively distinct placeness.It is necessary to pay more attention to placeness continuity in tourism development,so that residents and tourists can further enhances the sense of place.To this end,this study intends to combine the field research in Luxiang Village,Dongshan Town,Wuzhong District,Suzhou City,to initially explore the possible value of sense of place's evaluation and tourism perception of tourists and residents on the performance evaluation of traditional village tourism development,in order to benefit the reasonable evaluation and optimization path selection of traditional village tourism development.The paper is divided into six chapters.The introduction is mainly about the research background and significance of the paper,the research content,the research methods and the technical route of the paper.The second chapter is a review of related research,which mainly reviews the performance evaluation of tourism development,sense of place and traditional village tourism development;the third chapter is the theoretical level analysis,mainly discusses the necessity and possible path of applying sense of place to the performance evaluation of traditional village tourism development;the fourth chapter is the introduction to the study area,research plan design and research situation.The fifth chapter is the analysis of the survey results,focusing on the sense of place of Luxiang Village's tourists and residents,the tourists and residents' perception of tourism activities and its relationship with tourism development performance;the sixth chapter is a brief conclusion and discussion.The research shows that it is not only necessary but also feasible to use sense of place to evaluate the performance of tourism development in traditional villages.As a deep emotional connection between people and places,sense of place can better reflect the experiences and emotions of tourists and residents from tourism activities,and should be an important indicator to evaluate the performance of traditional village tourism development.Combining the subject's research on tourism perception can better exert the value of sense of place in the performance evaluation of traditional village tourism development.The research shows that tourists' perception of place is influenced by the Present level of historical and cultural characteristics and ancient architectural styles of traditional villages.Tourists' sense of place helps to evaluate whether tourists can better feel the placeness and whether the tourism functions of traditional villages can meet the diversified tourism needs of tourists.Residents' sense of place helps to evaluate whether the tourism activity management system is reasonable,whether the residents' income is generally increased and whether the local culture is well protected and inherited.This is a useful basis for evaluating the performance of traditional village tourism development based on the subjects' sense of the place.Field research on Luxiang Village shows that the overall level of tourists' sense of place in Luxiang Village is not high,tourists' perception of place is general,the place attachment is limited,and there is a lack of place dependence.In the survey of tourism perception,the results show that tourists have low evaluation on the tourism function and placeness of luxiang village,and even lower evaluation on the residents' living characteristics and service quality.However,based on field interviews,tourists are more likely to recognize the cultural and historical background of luxiang village,so they have some recognition of its placeness,the problem of single tourism function and homogenization of tourism products in core scenic spots is not conducive to tourists' formation of place attachment and place dependence.Residents' sense of place is higher than that of tourists as a whole,and is relatively high in all dimensions,especially in terms of place attachment and place dependence.From the results of tourism perception,the residents' evaluation of the tourism development management system and the participation status of tourism activities is not high,the income from tourism is low,and the evaluation of the development and utilization of place cultural tourism resources is not high.Based on the interview results,residents' sense of place in Luxiang Village is mainly due to the deep emotional connection and functional connection formed by residents and Luxiang Village for a long time.However,road traffic problems,environmental pollution problems and uncivilized behaviors of tourists after tourism development have had a negative impact on residents' place attachment and place dependence.In addition,the low level of residents' participation in tourism activities,the lack of exploitation and protection of place cultural resources by developers,etc.,have also weakened the place identity of residents to a large extent.Therefore,from the survey results of residents' and tourists' sense of place,the performance of Luxiang Village tourism development is general,there are still many problems to be solved.It is necessary for Luxiang Village to better display the cultural characteristics of the village based on the feedback on subjects' sense of place and the perception of tourism activities,so that residents can benefit more from the tourism activities,tourists can better experience the cultural heritage of luxiang village from tourism activities,in this way,the tourism development of traditional villages can better realize the goal of economic income increase and cultural creative inheritance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sense of Place, Tourism Development, Performance Evaluation, Traditional Village, Luxiang Village
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