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A Comparative Study On The Modern Youth Slang In Chinese And Russian Languages

Posted on:2020-09-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J P A N K R A T O V A V I Full Text:PDF
GTID:2405330590976391Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Slang is a kind of non-standard colloquial variant,and the phenomenon of slang is ubiquitous in many languages of the world.Slang has strong expressive characteristics and belongs to the most active category in the language system.It is characterized by strong expressiveness,rhetoric,humor,instability,novelty and sociality features.It reflects the social and cultural development of a country and national daily life,so it`s worthy to research.After defining the concept of youth slang and combing youth slang and other language phenomena,make a comparative analysis of Chinese youth slang and Russian youth slang from the aspects of structure,semantics,rhetoric and cultural connotation,reveals the common characteristics and differences between Chinese and Russian youth slang,and makes a theoretical explanation.This research paper uses a literature research method to discuss,analyze and summarize the achievements of predecessors;combines the contrastive analysis method to compare Chinese and Russian youth slang.The combination of description and explanatory is the method used in each chapter of this paper.The research paper consists of six main chapters and conclusion,and moreover there is an appendix of modern youth slang.Chapter one: Introduction.It summarizes the rationale for the choice of thesis,the reason and research significance,analyzes and summarizes the current situation and development trends of the modern Chinese and Russian slang research,finally,pointed out the research methods.Chapter two: Definition of youth slang.This research paper describes the definition and characteristics of youth slang and the relationship between youth slang and other linguistic phenomena.This paper focuses on the relationship between youth slang and jargon,argot,catchwords and network language.Chapter three: Structural comparison of Chinese and Russian youth slang.Firstly,it describes and analyses the structural characteristics of Chinese youth slang: the form of homophonic Chinese characters,the form of Pinyin abbreviations,the form of light syllable pronunciation,the form of additional affixes,the form of root composition,the form of abbreviations and the form of borrowing loanwords.Then it describes and analysesthe structural features of Russian youth slang: the form of sounds transfer,the form of stress transformation,the form of additional affixes,the form of root composition,the form of abbreviations and truncations,and the form of borrowing loanwords.Finally,make a contrastive study of Chinese and Russian youth slang.Chapter four: Semantic comparison of Chinese and Russian youth slang.Firstly,this chapter describes and analyses the semantic characteristics of Russian and Chinese youth slang respectively from the aspects of implicity,transliteration and diversity,and makes a comparative study of the semantic characteristics of modern Chinese and Russian youth slang on this basis.Chapter five: Rhetoric comparison of Chinese and Russian youth slang.Based on the effect of expression,this chapter describes the rhetoric characteristics of Chinese and Russian youth slang from the aspects of stylistic color,emotional color,analyses and explains the similarities and differences of the rhetoric futures of Chinese and Russian youth slang.Chapter six: Cultural connotations comparison of Chinese and Russian youth slang.Firstly,it describes and analyses the cultural connotations of Chinese youth slang and Russian youth slang respectively,and then makes a comparative study of the cultural connotations of modern Chinese and Russian youth slang.Nowadays researches on Chinese and Russian modern youth slang are not enough.The results of the research paper can be also applied in the field of teaching language.
Keywords/Search Tags:Youth Slang, Concept, Features, Structure, Semantic, Rhetoric, Cultural Connotation
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