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The Musical Elements And Related Research In TaiPingGuangJi

Posted on:2020-10-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330575475587Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
TaiPingGuangJi is a large-scale book that contains pre-Song Dynasty classical Chinese novels.There are many kinds of compilations.A large number of story texts involve various musical elements such as musicians,musical instruments,songs,dances and music-related activities.These musical elements or musical events have played an important role in the development of the storyline,the shaping of the characters and the elucidation of the theme.This article takes the story of music activities in TaiPingGuangJi as the main object.Through the analysis of the specific musical elements "musical instrument","lyrics" and "musician",the music elements are studied in the classical Chinese novels before the Song Dynasty.The role and exploration of the musical elements in the story of the story development,character shaping and the interaction between the literati and the musicians reflected.The full text is divided into three parts.The first chapter begins with the musical element of "instrument" and explores the important role played by specific instruments such as Guqin and Flute in shaping the characters in the story.Guqin participated in shaping the image of a gentleman who is represented by Ji Kang and who is positive and unconventional.The jade flute of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty is an important symbol of his dual status as a monarch and a musician,and he has created an image of a musician who is very popular.At the same time,the instrument will also act as a clue to promote the development of the story.The second chapter begins with the musical elements of "lyrics" and analyzes the theme of the story in the lyrics of TaiPingGuangJi.The political theme carried by the songs is manifested in three forms: concealing mysterious prophecy,euphemistic implied exhortation,and respectful peace.At the same time,the lyrics also reflects the concept of longevity in the theme of immortality.The song also has the important function of image shaping,which is reflected in many lyrics showing the humanized characteristics of the image of the gods.The third chapter discusses the group of musicians in TaiPingGuangJi from the perspective of the musical element of Musical Performers.In shaping the image of skilled musicians,the literati mainly uses the appreciation and communication of ghosts and gods,the natural phenomenon and the unique phenomenon of wind and lightning,and the favor of the emperor to express the performance ability of the musicians.TaiPingGuangJi records the communication between many literati and musicians,and the two form a benign interactive relationship-that is,the literati provides a lyrics for the singing activities of the musicians,and the musicians perform the poems of the literati.In summary,the musical elements in the large number of stories recorded in TaiPingGuangJi are colorful,which is an important reference for future generations to peek into the development of music before the Song Dynasty.A deep understanding of the musical elements in the works of TaiPingGuangJi not only has a unique value for understanding the ancient Chinese music culture before the Song Dynasty,but also helps us to deeply understand the formation and development of the artistic traits of ancient Chinese classical Chinese novels.
Keywords/Search Tags:TaipingGuangji, musicalelement, musical instrument, lyrics, musician
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