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On The Absurd Art Of Li Er's Novels

Posted on:2020-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Q HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330575468851Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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Since the first publication of Li Er's works in the literary world in the late 1980 s,his creative career has lasted for more than 30 years.His works have matured and formed a style of attention over the years,which helped him earn quite a few awards and honors.In his works,he incorporates absurd art writing into three different themes,namely intellectuals,history,and native land,which attaches a unique absurd color to his works.The formation of the absurdity in Li Er's novels is not only related to the development of the absurd literature in both China and the West,but it also has connections with the social environment in which he grew up.According to the materials the author has collected,the critics traditionally see works from the perspectives of rhetoric,theme and narrative strategy.So far,systematic and specialized discussions on the absurd writing of Li Er's works are relatively rare.On the basis of careful reading and analysis of Li Er's works as well as the researches of predecessors,the author explores the absurd artistic connotation,absurd artistic expression and absurd artistic value in his novels from the perspective of absurdity.Apart from the introduction and conclusion,the main body of this paper is divided into three parts.The first chapter analyzes the absurd art of Li Er's novels based mainly on the systematical combing and perusing of specific works.The diverse absurd presence of individuals are manifested the following three aspects,which are self-conformity of the body and soul of the characters,the estrangement between the self and others,and the opposition between the will of individuals and the state's choice of will.The second chapter demonstrates the absurd artistic expression of Li's novels.It is divided into two sections.The first section discusses the absurdity of the dilemma of survival in Li's novels.This kind of predicament is mainly manifested in two aspects: the choice to suicide and human alienation against absurdity.An existential tendency is shown in Li's description of the fate of the characters.The second section turns to analyze the absurdity of the forms of artistic skills used in Li's novels.Three different narrative techniques are employed,which are irony,author's appearance on the scene and collages.The third chapter discusses the absurd artistic value of Li Er's novels.His literary creation practice is deeply influenced by existentialism and pioneer literature.Afterdigesting and absorbing those two factors,he has created his own characteristics,which are manifested in the following two points: first,the innovation of artistic skills.In this part,absurdity is mainly discussed via textual research.Second,the ideological connotation of his works: the procedural exploration of the meaning of life,indicating that the meaning of life is only a process,and there is no final meaning.The aforementioned two aspects are the major characteristics that distinguish Li Er's works from that of others.
Keywords/Search Tags:Li Er's Novels, Absurdity, Artistic skills
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