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A Study Of Dramatic Events And Phenomena With Actor Li Wenmao Uprising As A Core

Posted on:2019-12-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330572463410Subject:Theater, film and television
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper takes Li Wenmao uprising as the core of the study,use a wide range of relevant information linked to this,and studies the drama phenomenon from the multi-disciplinary perspective.Opera character classification has strong symbolism and generality.The first chapter analyzes the leadership and charisma extracted from Li Wenmao's actor identity and role performance,and from the two aspects of the group composition and group psychology of the followers of the uprising,this paper analyzes the reasons why the leader image of the "Er Hua Mian" character is popular.This is a study of the phenomenon of linking the stage image of the opera with the realistic political performance.The uprising organized by a opera actor is naturally different from the other groups' uprisings?The second chapter starts with the symbol of Guangdong opera in Qing Dynasty,Qionghua Guild Hall and Red Boat,describe its importance in the history of drama and its role in the uprising.That is,the Qionghua Guild Hall served as a gathering place and liaison site for its members during the uprising,and the troupe's long red boat life contributed to various forms of water warfare.Secondly,from the drama texts of the past dynasties,the description related to the march and the officials of the majestic gentry is sorted out,compare it with the actual situation of marching and serving as an official in the course of the troupe uprising,to see the intended impersonation of the dramatic description by the rebels,the continuation of the drama creation and the comparable objective similarity.This is the study of the characteristics of Guangdong opera troupe in the context of social and political development,and a study on the interaction between and drama and reality.The culture of rites and music has a long tradition and deep foundation in China.The third chapter,from the perspective of "Rites",links thetheatrical ceremonies held by the troupe,the rebellious behavior encountered by the rebels and the sacrificial behavior under the political ban,with the concept of drama.regarded these as the social drama behavior in the human culture structure to carry on the research.From the angle of "music",this paper analyzes the cohesive force of drama to people and the psychological identity reached by local folklore through drama,to see the function of drama as a means of "music" to unite people's hearts in the uprising.This is an analysis of the phenomenon of social drama based on the cross-reference between the drama model and the relevant institutional structure of human society and a functional Analysis of the political purpose and Cultural Utility of Opera as a means.After the defeat of Li Wenmao's uprising,it had a direct impact on the development,creation and dissemination of opera.The forth chapter is an analysis of the direct impact of the political events of the uprising on the art of drama.Including analysis of dramatic historical event in which a member of a former opera troupe dispersed all parts of the country after the defeat of the uprising to promote the development of different kinds of plays,recording the trend of Drama creation,and analyzes the success or loss of Drama creation since the defeat of Li Wenmao's uprising.This is a factual analysis of the influence of political events on the development of art.
Keywords/Search Tags:actor uprising, dramatic events and phenomena, Li Wenmao
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