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A Study On The Fan Group Of Stephen Chow's Film

Posted on:2019-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330566968256Subject:Art theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper,Stephen Chow's bar on Baidu was selected as subject investigated,and the method of online observation had been used and established a long-term trust relationship with Baidu Stephen Chow bar members to observe the survival of the fans in this group.The subjective reasons for the formation of fans in Stephen Chow's films had been analysis with the method of data collection,in-depth interviews,etc,and how fans build their identity within a group after the formation of a group of fans had also been analysis.Through the experience of case study,this study will further explore the network survival of the young fans in China.The article was divided into four parts.The introduction part made a detailed analysis on the research of the fans at home and abroad,fans members,and audience for Stephen Chow's film.On the basis of full understanding of the existing research results,the base point and the connotation and significance of topicselection of this article had been established.The relationship between the flame of Stephen Chow's film and the culture of the fans was analyzed in the first chapter.The popularity of Stephen Chow's film was closely related to the fan culture in China's political,cultural and economic environment.“Journey to the West fans” had the largest number of fans in Stephen Chow's fan group and had the greatest impact.With the popularity of the Internet,Stephen Chow's fans were gathered at various websites and communities,and had formed a fan group of Stephen Chow's online fans of all sizes.They further promoted the spread of Stephen Chow's film.The subjective reasons for the formation of fans' groups in Stephen Chow's film were analyzed in the second chapter.Taken the fans in the Baidu Stephen Chow post bar as the research object,it was found that the identity of the three dimensions that “libido”,“affective projection” and “roll play” were existence in fans and the Stephen Chow's film,and these three main reasons that had laid a solid emotional foundation for Stephen Chow's bar on Baidu.The third chapter had analyzed the identity construction of Stephen chow's film fans.First,the ranks among the fans group were divided into high and low levels for difference cultural capital,and formation the class partition.Fans construct identity in the process of optimizing individual identity.In addition,there was a distinct boundary between “our groups” and “their groups”,which causes the partition between the groups.Through strict and even harsh zoning,the collective identity of members was becoming stronger and stronger.Second,fans reproduce text in the community,including video,picture,text,phonetics,and so on,and in this way they constructing the identity of the group.In addition,Baidu Stephen Chow bar was constructed in mass media from the “imagined community”,and was also a fan of the construction of a bottom-up “imagined community”,for their common beliefs gather in the same space,a clear sense of “we” as one of the stars fans need to take responsibility and get the glory,and the group of ritual practice the construction of self identity.However,the identity of the group established in Utopia was not the same.As a “nomadic” reader,the identity of the fans was fluidity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Stephen Chow's film, fans, fans members, identity construction
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