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Research On Confucius' Ideology In Xin Xu And Stories Garden

Posted on:2019-10-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330566961387Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article mainly analyzes Confucius story materials in the books Xin Xu and Stories Garden written by Liu Xiang,and compares with Tso Chuan,The Analects of Confucius,the work of Mo-tse,The Mencius,Chuang Tzu,The Hsum Tsu,The Works of Lie Tzu,the work of Han Fei Tzu,The Lu Shih Chun Chiu,Huai Nan Tzu,Historical Records,Book of Rites,The Unauthorized biography of Han Poem,and Confucius Homely Talks From the pre-Qin period to the Han Dynasty,the works of predecessors' classics and works were analyzed on the basis of Confucius' s Confucianism,the role of scholar,teacher and the special role in the text.The full text is divided into four chapters.The introduction analyzes the source of the topic,and introduces the previous research results and the research methods and direction of this article.Previous researches on Liu Xiang' s Xin Xu,Stories Garden and Biographies for Chaste Women mainly focused on the four aspects of literature research,stylistic classification,artistic features and literary value,and ideological content.There are many research achievements,but most of the characters in the three books are categorized and categorized,but less involved in the in-depth analysis of specific figures' ideology.The research results of the predecessors on the images of Confucius in the pre-Qin period to the Western Han Dynasty are also quite abundant,but the research on the image of Confucius in the Xin Xu and Stories Garden needs to be further deepened.This article uses quantitative and qualitative,literature research methods and comparative research methods to thoroughly and in-depth study of Confucius's ideology in Liu Xiang's writings,and the characteristics it embodies in comparison with other classics,and the ideological tendencies reflected by Liu Xiang.The first chapter analyzes Confucius' Confucian virtues of morality,destiny,and rites in Liu Xiang's works.Rende is the great master of the world,including the importance of integrity and rhetoric;his outlook on destiny is firstly about "time" and "origin".These two types are not controllable by human.The former is similar to opportunities.The latter refers to the fundamentals in which all things in the world are invariable.Under Liu's writing,Confucius' outlook on destiny also includes a positive and enterprising mentality.Confucianism is optimistic in Liu's Works.It is due to the fact that Confucius strictly follows the ritual and music system,constantly rituals and rituals,and treats rituals and music as an important method of cultivating the world.At the same time,Confucius Confucians regard Zhicheng as the most fundamental element in the practice of rituals and music.Confucius of Confucius under Liu Xiang's writings showed the characteristics of emphasizing virtue and acting as a mediocrity on the basis of merging the ideas of other families.The second chapter analyzes the ideology of the scholar Confucius in Liu Xiang's writing.It is divided into three sections:political concepts,the way of life and the issue of respecting the virtuous man.Political concepts include monarchical rituals,people-based ideology,and political methods based on it,such as paying attention to their own virtues,breaking prison justice,rewards and punishments,etc.;the doctrine of the world refers to Confucius described by Liu Xiang as the "scholar".The class reflects the subjectivity of the active entry into the world and the specific way of dealing with the matter;the scholar Confucius also showed a clear tendency of respecting the virtuous under the writing of Liu Xiang.The third chapter analyzes the ideology of teacher Confucius written by Liu Xiang.Confucius has historically accumulated a wealth of educational ideas in his educational practice.Confucius in Xin Xu and Stories Garden also has educational ideas such as teaching and classifying and teaching students in accordance with their aptitude,and on this basis,they have shown that Open-minded character;and different from other classic works,Confucius described by Liu Xiang also showed more gentle and honest,pragmatic and modest personal characteristics.The fourth chapter analyzes the special role of Confucius in the writing of Liu Xiang.In Xin Xu and Stories Garden,Confucius was placed in an important position in the text.This part of the material was analyzed from the ideological level and writing techniques.It was possible to conclude that Liu was an important player in the text and played an important role in the text.Some of the stories in Liu Xiang's books can be found in other books,but these stories show a clear tendency to promote Confucius under Liu Xiang' s writings.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Ideology of Confucius, Liu Xiang, Xin Xu, Stories Garden
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