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A Translation Report On Guest Of Honor

Posted on:2019-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y R YiFull Text:PDF
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The material of this report is Guest of Honor,written by the American writer Robert Reed,which was published in 1993.This novel is mainly about the space exploration,which involves many future scientific technologies.Because some characters in this novel have special identities,it is necessary for the translator to deal with the intricate relationships during translation.Some words and phrases related to the character's behavior in the text cannot be translated according to the literal meaning.For this reason,contextual parameters play important roles in identifying the exact meaning of these words and phrases in the processes of understanding and translating.Meanwhile,western cultural elements in this novel add much more difficulties for translation.Taking these difficulties into consideration,the translator chooses the theory of“contextual parameter” to deal with these problems based on using different kinds of dictionaries to define the basic meanings of words.It is necessary to refer to the linguistic and extra-linguistic contextual parameters and the related factors as much as possible to make the target language smooth and natural.This report consists of four parts.The first part is about the introduction of the author,this novel and the significance of translation;the second part is process description which briefs the preparation,while-translating and proof-reading;the third part is the most important part,including the elaboration of the “contextual parameter” theory and case studies.The translator has made the analysis from character relationship,character behavior,language culture and logic;the fourth part comes to the conclusion of this report.
Keywords/Search Tags:Guest of Honor, contextual parameter, scientific translation
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