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The Anxiety Of Influence And The Choice Of Exploration

Posted on:2019-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C YangFull Text:PDF
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In the intergenerational division of Chinese directors,the fourth generation is a unique existence.They explore the path of film with insistence of their generation in the Chinese film history.This thesis regards the film creation of the fourth generation of directors as a kind of film movement in the context of the1980 s.It tries to find the how the fourth generation of director explore the films with the change of history and culture.In this way,it can smooth the folds of historical development and reveal the original appearance of the historical development as faithful as possible.The exploration of the choice of the fourth generation directors can set a clear coordinate system for the fourth generation in both diachronic dimension and synchronic dimension.As a generation who is“growing up with the People's Republic of China”,the exploration path of film of the fourth generation of directors echoed with the process of historical development synchronously.In a sense,their exploration path can be regarded as a way of imagining the 1980 s.This thesis focuses on the film works of the fourth generation of directors in the 1980 s.It includes four chapters and explores the early influence of the formation of their film viewpoint,the context of the times,the strategies of discourse and the cultural imagination.The first chapter,“The Anxiety of Influence”,mainly analyses the influence of their educational experience on the the concept of the fourth generation of film directors from overseas and local films.The second chapter “The Context of the Times” focuses on the restoration of the age of the fourth generation and reveal the “interpellation” to the fourth generation of directors from their era.The third chapter “The Strategy of Words” mainly discusses the formation of documentary and poetic style of film in the context of the changes of times and culture.The fourth chapter “Cultural Imagination” describes the cultural landscape of the 1980 s from the perspectives of cultural revolution,human nature and reality.
Keywords/Search Tags:fourth generation directors, context of times, explore anxiety, discourse strategies, cultural imagination
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