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Research On Early Days Of New China Ban Hui-dao Men In Xinxiang

Posted on:2019-09-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L LinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330548969484Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hui-dao Men,also called Hui-men,Dao-men,or Dao-hui men,is originated denomination of Dynasties of Ming and Qing,which not appear suddenly but developed in a long time.actually,the name of Hui-dao Men appeared around the New China Establishment,with the strong political implication,much more like a political or legal term.As one of the finally liberated areas,XinXiang had suffered the most,such as disasters of the war,frequent famine,were prevelent in there.these factors,mingled with each other,stimulated the popularity of Hui-dao the effect of some powers,the organization of "Hui-dao men " developed fast.but with the stability of CPC administration,and in the guide of atheism,the elimination of Hui-dao men became the mainstream of the times.Hui-dao men was banned by CPC due to choosing KMT of their own accord.Xinxiang constantly revamped his policy on Hui-dao Men in the evolution process from the magnanimity to Suppression with tolerance.Henan province began to ban Hui-dao Men both in the term of revolutionary base area and liberated area.Since the founding of new china,CCP began to promulgate National policy and carry on the movement to suppress counterrevolutionaries,the ban of Henan province on Hui-dao Men was divided into three stage: disintegration,put a blanket ban,eliminate in priority,at presence,the fight against Hui-dao Men began to develop into the further stage.Through large-scale propaganda and mobilization by all means,the ban of CCP on Hui-dao Men was known by general public.through large-scale participation,people's revolutionary ideas and class struggle were reinforced and instigated to fight against Hui-dao Men,which became the enemy of general public and administration,could never exist in chinese society with legal status.through the fight against Hui-dao Men,CCP reconstructed social order and consolidated its political power in the destroy of Hui-dao Men organizations and weakness of Hui-dao Men thoughts.It is testified that the foundation of Hui-dao Men cannot be eliminated with political means and administrative means,which no doubt can control the development of Hui-dao Men.Hui-dao Men will propagate in right time and right is admited that there is long-term social roots and religious roots in the Hui-dao Men to come into being,therefore,it is helpful to make effort in exploring that.
Keywords/Search Tags:Early Days With New China Establishment, Xinxiang region, Hui-dao men
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