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"Versachlichung" And Historical Materialism

Posted on:2019-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330548457096Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hiromatsu Wataru is a famous contemporary Japanese new-Marxist.His thoughts have a revolutionary impetus to the development of Marxism in the world,especially the study of Oriental Marxism.His thoughts have gradually become a hot topic in the study of Marxist and Japanese philosophy in China with the publication of the Chinese translation of Hiromatsu's works.Hiromatsu ‘s research on Marxist philosophy has great realistic pertinence.The traditional textbook of Marxist philosophy from the former Soviet Union and the humanism ideological trend of Western Marxism brought the partial understanding of Marxist philosophy and appeared so sharply polarized in Hiromatsu's era.They all ignored and distorted Marxist philosophy in varying degrees,so some enemies of Marxism took this opportunity to attack Marxist philosophy for its outdated and failed nature which has brought negative influence to Marxist philosophy.Hiromatsu advocates that the most important premise to uphold and develop Marxism in the contemporary era is to "return to Marx" and restore the real Marxist original and the horizon.From this,Hiromatsu returns to classic texts of Marx and Engels,and tries to reinterpret these texts to restore the generating process of Marxist philosophy and make the most consistent interpretation with Marx of original essence of the theory.On this basis,Hiromatsu put forward his own unique views on Marxist philosophy.In the field of Hiromatsu's theoretical,the scientific and true Marxist philosophy originates from These on Feuerbach and the German Ideology in 1845.The concrete manifestation is Marx sublated and transcended the logic of alienation theory,making the logic of”versachlichung”as the core paradigm,establishing the historical materialism.Hiromatsu further positions the leap of ideological logic within Marxist philosophy as the transition from modern substantialism to contemporary relationalism at the general ontological level,and defined historical materialism based on"versachlichung "as the transcendence of the new horizon of world view to the modern philosophical world view.However,”versachlichung”thinks that there was no systematic construction of historical materialism in Marx's view.In Hiromatsu's view,Marx's use of the concept of"versachlichung"is limited to the inter-subjective relationship among human beings.The content of historical materialism completed by Marx is limited to the scope of society and history.By criticizing the phenomenon of"versachlichung"in the social and historical field of bourgeois society,Marx grasped the social phenomenon,historical law,etc.Hiromatsu calls Marx's incomplete construction of historical materialism as the"original image"of historical materialism.Hiromatsu thinks that"versachlichung"is not only to criticize specific social relations,but also to describe a common phenomenon in the world of real life.For daily consciousness,even in the future communist society,actions will not be free and indulgent,but will be restricted and bound by certain conditions ofnatural,social"versachlichung".Therefore,Hiromatsu tries to expand Marx's limited theory of "versachlichung"with relationalism,and introduces"the structure of four limbs”which can extend Marx's theory of"versachlichung"to a general mechanism of"versachlichung"which can reveal the state of affairs of the world,and generalize Marx's theory of"versachlichung"into the ontological structure of the whole historical world.Hiromatsu uses the general mechanism of"versachlichung"to systematically explain the nature,economy,politics,culture and society,etc.Thus,the study of Marxist philosophy has been pushed and raised to a new level.The study on Marxist philosophy of Hiromatsu has important enlightenment and referential significance for the contemporary construction of Marxist philosophy theory in China.Furthermore,it provides a good example for us in the study of the relation between historical materialism and Marxist philosophy.However,there are also many mistakes in the process of Hiromatsu's reinterpreting Marx's historical materialism through the theory of "versachlichung" and the rational principles,which have provoked controversy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Versachlichung, Historical materialism, New horizon, Alienation, Structural theory of four limbs
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