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A Comparative Study Of Two Different Singing Versions Of The Song "Taste"

Posted on:2019-02-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J YiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The personalized expression of pop singing has always been the unavoidable problem of pop singer in his singing career.The same work by different singers is bound to produce different expression effects and ideological connotations and the pattern and difference of such expression could not be separated from the content of music text itself.The singer interprets his unique understanding of songs and forms a unique personal style by adapting the content of music texts and processing design of singing.Based on the different deduction of Winnie Hsin and Han Lei's "taste",this paper is divided into three parts.In the introduction part,there firstly introduce the research background,research status and research significance,and reveal the purpose of this study.In the first chapter,this article mainly introduces the creation background of the song "taste".Analyses the text of the lyrics and the music material and combs the contents of the songs in an all-round way so that the two singers will be compared and analyzed for the different processing of the songs.In the second chapter,through the analysis of the two singers' handling of the rhythm of the songs and the differences in singing skills and understand the musical ideas of the singers in their individualized expression.In this way,compare and summarize the different expressions of the two singers' different ways of dealing with the same work.Thinking about the reasons behind them,learning and drawing on the essence of their deductive ideas.At the same time,through the analysis of the music text of the song and the reference of different singing processing,to enlighten the contemporary young pop singers in the correct understanding of the content of the song,and be more able to use singing as a person's thinking to perform their own singing and adaptation,so as to explore the true meaning of their own understanding and expression.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Taste", Winnie Hsin, Han Lei, contrastive study
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