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Shibusawa Eiichi's Business Education Theory And Practice

Posted on:2019-12-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330545962042Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Meiji Restoration not only brought about changes in the social system,but also promoted the rapid economic development and brought about the prosperity of the commercial economy.However,because modern commercial education is still a blank,the loss of moral behavior in commercial activities is frequent,which has seriously hindered the development of Japanese business.Shibusawa Eiichi,who was born in the half agricultural and semi commercial family in the bloodbath island of hazel County in Musashi County,has been exposed to numerous Confucian classics since his childhood and pursued Confucian principles as a code of conduct.In economic activities,the importance of business education is recognized.The acceptance of education by businessmen is an important prerequisite for improving the knowledge and moral level of industry and Commerce and ensuring the long-term development of Japanese business.Against this background,Shibusawa Eiichi put forward the idea of business education based on economic ethics.Shibusawa Eiichi's business education thought is based on the economic ethics and takes the national interest as the core,taking Confucianism as the code of conduct for business activities.Shibusawa Eiichi thought that commercial education should practice the thought of commercial state and pay attention to the support relationship between public and private;put forward the commercial education idea of pragmatism,and think that the industry and commerce should pay attention to practice and improve self-cultivation;commercial education should focus on commercial moral education,guarantee the consistency of interests and morality in commercial activities;After that,Shibusawa Eiichi also put forward the idea of "private raising public" women's commercial education.Women's commercial education is an important part of the development of family economy and an important foundation of the national economy.In order to promote the development of commercial education,Shibusawa Eiichi attaches great importance to the development of education andcultural publishing,supports and publishes a number of publications and monographs dealing with economic thought and morality,and strongly supports the establishment of business schools to participate in various forms of speech and Book Writing with his own experience,just because Shibusawa Eiichi is in business education.Its important contribution is known as "the guide of business education".Shibusawa Eiichi's business education thought and practice promoted the establishment of commercial schools,established and improved the system of commercial schools,and promoted the promotion of the overall status of commercial schools,laid the foundation of talent reserve for the development of Japanese industry and commerce,improved the social status of the workers and businessmen,and provided commercial thinking for the development of the economy.A new way.While promoting the development of Japanese business education,it has become an important thrust to promote the economic development of Japan.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shibusawa Eiichi, business education, business legislation, business ethics
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