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A Study Of The Thought Of Philia In Plato's Lysis

Posted on:2019-11-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330545459051Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Philia is an important phenomenon in human civilization and exists in interpersonal relationships.But the establishment of philia is not achieved overnight,and it is also difficult to maintain.The confusion caused by philia in life has aroused many philosophers' interest in thinking and exploring.Plato's Lysis is undoubtedly the first systematic philosophical exploration of philia.This dialogue involves Plato's exploration and understanding of the types of philia,the conditions of philia,the nature of philia,and the relationship between philia and wisdom.Meanwhile,this dialogue is also known as one of Plato 's "most charming and confusing" dialogues.In the eyes of modern researchers,this little dialogue is often regarded as“a failed philosophical deduction”.Because at the end of the conversation,Socrates seems to overthrew all of his arguments and did not get any conclusive conclusions about what philia is.But the author believes that the so-called conclusion is not necessarily a certain discourse that the writer has clearly expressed,but the understanding of our readers as a participant in the dialogue.This is what Socrates calls“midwifery”.Therefore,this thesis will take Plato's Lysis as the main text,combined with Plato's other dialogues and his main philosophical thoughts,to make a detailed and systematic understanding and combing of the plot and argument contained in "Lysis",in order to explore the distinctive philia thoughts of Plato reflected in this dialogue.The main ideas and viewpoints of this thesis involves the following three parts.First,the necessary clarification and explanation of the concept of "???i?"(friendship).In the ancient Greek society,the meaning of "???i?" is much broader than "friendship" in modern times.In Plato's Phaedo and Symposium all involve the different types and meanings of philia,and also in interior of the Lysis.The author claims that the meaning and types of philia are included in the background of ancient Greek society,and combined with the model of the argumentation of the Lysis,it is believed that Plato mainly mentioned the main types of three kinds of ???i? in Lysis,and discussed the main type of philia as a friend's friendship.Secondly,the author,starting with the sequence of the plot and the context of the argumentation,analyzes Plato's understanding of the conditions,causes and nature of philia,and understands Plato 's criticism and reflection of the traditional emotionalism,the utilitarianism and the scientism' concept of philia.In the end,the author thinks that Plato use his preliminary definition of Philia:“neither good nor bad man is a friend of the good becouse of the bad's intervention",using the teleological chain to draw the concept of the“first friend",and connect the friendship further with the Good and the wisdom,and draw the proposition that "the wisdom is the object of true philia".This is typical view of Plato's“rationalism”philia.The establishment of this view of philia is still enlightening and inspiring for us to study philosophy today,that is,to maintain our philia for wisdom.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lysis, Philia, Eros, First friend, Wisdom
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