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The Philosophy Of Philia

Posted on:2021-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H LiangFull Text:PDF
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Throughout the history of Western thought,Plato's importance to the record of words is self-evident.And in the starry dialogue of Plato,this dialogue seems to be rare.The dialogue is arguably one of the least studied dialogues in Plato's annotation tradition.However,as a dialogue devoted to the discussion of " philia ",the central issue of Lysis is not only directly related to the foundation of the life of ancient greek city-states,but also provides a way to reflect on and solve the plight of our current social friendship and lack of philia.This paper tries to take Plato's Lysis as the main text and take Plato's inner thought as the logical line to rearrange the more comprehensive and clear system of Plato's philia thought.The article consists of five parts,which are as follows:1.Chapter one: Introduction.This part briefly introduces the basic background of this thesis from three aspects: the research background and the significance of the topic,the research status at home and abroad,the research questions and the research methods.2.Chapter two: the origin of philia.This part tries to go back to the ancient greek origin of fraternity in order to construct the framework of the knowledge of philia in Lysis,and in this context,discuss the definition of philia in Lysis.3.Chapter three: the argumentation of the causes of philia in Lysis.This part of the author grasps the clue that runs through the whole article of "the reason that philia arises" to launch argumentation.It reveals that Socrates' s process of classifying usefulness,mutuality,similarity and oppositeness,badness,and desire as the causes of philia.4.Chapter four: philosophical analysis of philia in Lysis.This part is based on the analysis of the text of Lysis,draw silk cocoon,gradually condensed the key points of philosophical analysis,and strive to find the true meaning of platonic philia in the innovative interpretation.5.Conclusion.This part is a summary of the idea of philia in Plato's Lysis.Plato,through the various arguments of the causes of philia,actually criticized the popular concept of philia in the world,and established a typical platonic "rationalism" view of philia.He tells people that true philia is based on the recognition of one's own lack,the constant pursuit of wisdom,and wisdom as friends,so as to achieve their own perfection and integrity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Plato, Lysis, philia, wisdom
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