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Research On Production And Management Of The Manor In Eastern Jin And Southern Dynasty

Posted on:2018-11-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z F HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330518955233Subject:Special history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the period of the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties,the manor was inherited from the Han Dynasty and the Tang and Song Dynasties,and had a unique historical position in the history of Chinese manor.In the period of the Great Jin Dynasty,the Northern and Southern Dynasties,the Eastern Jin Dynasty Manor was not only providing a home for the displaced people in the south,but also for the descendants of the Northern Shrine,The It can be said that in the era of war disturbing,manor is undoubtedly a peaceful peace of the land.At the same time,it is precisely because the existence and development of manor,to a certain extent,played an organization of production,development of Jiangnan,Jiangnan social economy development role.Therefore,it is helpful to study the production and operation of the manor of the Eastern Jin and southern Dynasty and its characteristics,which will help us to have a deeper understanding of the social and economic development of the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties.It has certain academic significance.This paper is divided into five parts.The first part,the introduction.This paper mainly introduces the reason and significance of this thesis,the relevant research and current situation of the academic circles,and the difficulties and innovations of this paper.The second part,the basic situation of the Eastern Jin and southern Dynasty manor.On the basis of the analysis of concrete historical data,this part redefines the connotation of the manor,and thinks that the manor of the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties is based on the pastoral garden,which includes a large number of dependent population on the large-scale land.Sexual or diversified production of economic units.At the same time,through the discussion of the type of manor and its architectural layout,it is concluded that the manor of the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties has the difference of large,medium and small scale,and the manor of this period is less in the architectural layout than the two Han Dynasty grange military color,more is presented by the production of economic factors.The third part,the development of the Eastern Jin and southern Dynasty manor and the reasons.This part mainly analyzes the causes of the manor in the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties,and points out that there are three main reasons for the development of manor in the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties:First,the development of land private ownership since the Qin and Han Dynasties has been developed.The second is that the large-scale population has moved to the manor,Third is the existence of a large number of Jiangnan area arable land for the establishment of manor to provide a means of production guarantee.At the same time,for the development of the Eastern Jin Dynasty manor,that the development of the manor of this period than the Han Dynasty has obvious development,mainly in the manor set from the plain to both mountain and water,the size of the manor to further expand the manor of the land Codification and other three aspects.The fourth part,the Eastern Jin and southern Dynasty Manor production operate and management.This part focuses on the production basis,production content,management mode,management mode and economic nature of the manor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.First of all,the production base of the Eastern Jin Dynasty manor includes land and labor,including land reclamation,sale and national reward,and the labor force mainly comes from the attachment of the villagers,the manor for the poor and the country's household registration and In addition,from the manor labor force,mainly including tenants,slaves,privatization of the "officials",the Ministry of music and the door of the righteousness.Second,the production of the Eastern Jin Dynasty manor mainly to the main agricultural cultivation,with forest,fish,livestock and other sideline,handicraft production and processing to show the characteristics of self-sufficiency.Again,the Eastern Jin Dynasty Manor's mode of operation mainly dominated by serfdom's mode of operation,and the tenancy system also existed.Once again,the management of the Eastern Jin Dynasty manor is the direct management and indirect management coexist,and whether it is direct management or indirect management,are adhering to the owner of the intention,but for the owner of the individual preferences and appear.Finally,the economic nature of the Eastern Jin Dynasty manor is still dominated by the natural economy,with the gradual recovery of the commodity economy,the manor gradually show the relationship with the market.The fifth part,the evaluation of the manor of the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasty.On the manor itself,the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasty manor is only this period to the manor as the representative of the scholar's thinking of the results of the transformation of the manor is not intended to expand the production and production development,but for the manor to provide material enjoyment and spiritual accommodation,which caused The manure of the production of waste,while contributing to the social luxury atmosphere.On the national finance of the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties,the manor was on the edge of the country's political economy.Its division of the population and land in the national area resulted in the national " Field economy is based on the Northern Dynasty victory,which is undoubtedly the manor side of the limitations.In terms of the contribution of the manor to the social economy development of this period,with the establishment of the manure in the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties and the development of production,the land of the southern region was developed under the efforts of the manor and the southward population.,Farmland water conservancy construction is generally promoted,agricultural crops and production and cultivation techniques are widely promoted,these factors together to promote the development of social and economic development in the southern region,which in turn to show the superiority of the manor side.
Keywords/Search Tags:Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasty, Manor, Production and Management
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