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A Study On Mungo Khan

Posted on:2018-07-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S L MaFull Text:PDF
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Mungo Khan is the last of the great Mongolian empire of the last Khan,but also drag the first Department of Khan.Mungo Khan is a man who has just been in power for eight years,but it is an important figure in the history of Mongolia.His actions have profoundly influenced the fate of the Mongol Empire and the historical process since then.First,mungo,khan,grasp the historical opportunity,the great khan of the Mongol empire who moved to ray system,although the move has tried,but in the long run,eliminates the imbalance of internal power structure after genghis khan imperial(khan in wokuotaihan,strength in towing ray)hidden trouble,laid a good foundation for smooth running of the big Mongolia.Second,mungo khan strengthening khan,to revive the glory of the Mongol empire.Meerkats very self-discipline,"LeYan not drink,not a tiny detail",not as reckless as wokuotaihan profligacy,not expensive by reckless impulse,hands-on,"yan" royal liegeman,reiterated and strictly abide by genghis khan Zagreb,reversing a previous central convening of the Mongol empire,the weak,the constraint specification the behaviour of the Kings of Mongolia,Mongolia entered a new development period.Third,mungo,khan in the cruel blow of his opponents at the same time,vigorously strengthen drag with strength.Meerkats khan period of herod,it is a dismembered the differentiation of the territory,wokuotaihan countries suppressed the Kings of cahetai;2 it is to herod to blood relations brother tubo area,make the two lines forces the tended to rise.He reuse the younger brother,entrusts with an important task.He appointed Kublai Khan running desert south of han,the packet in the guanzhong,the son of the replaced wokuotaihan gotan,nettle examine position.He sent the western expedition Persian who,each object from the pasture to withdraw troops,enriched the xu column is the strength of the upright.Meerkats brothers monopoly tai temple,the exclusive foreign conquest of victory.Fourth,mungo's reign period,the large-scale foreign conquests and restart the Mongol empire,launched in the southern song dynasty,Persia,India,Korea's war,ledto the establishment of the yuan dynasty and yili khanate,affected the process of world history.Fifth,mungo,khan is one of the traditional grassland monarch,self-proclaimed "obeys the law of the fathers,do not copy what others".He insisted on Mongolian standard,prairie center,the expansion of the spine and Lin,to develop the business,encourage everywhere merchants to come to business,make it become the center of the world.He insisted on Mongolia old,according to the Mongolian law governance conquered regions,although he will since genghis khan,wokuotaihan in yanjing,don't lost eight,sets up the line judge amu darya officer for the development of more sophisticated "line provincial ministers" institution,but this is just for the sake of convenience in the enclosed,taxation,for grassland from wealth,has no intention to adopt political and economic system to adapt for the development of local society.Historiography circle is generally believed that traditional ideas led to the Montgomery's flexible ability,lack of outstanding reflected in his conflicts and disputes with Kublai Khan.But as for the gold war and generals of the firstborn meerkats khan knowledge broad,vision,strong will,have the ability to also have the potential to grassland traditional Mongol empire to a new height.His accidental death,failed to achieve its idea of a grand blueprint,also broke the unification of the Mongol empire.Overall,m is a power greater than the great khan of Mongolia,he in Mongolian history and important significance in the history of the world cannot be forgotten.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Mongol empire, Mungo khan, Mongolian standard
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