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A Study Of The Chinese Written Style Acquisition Errors In Advanced American Students' Composition

Posted on:2017-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330485466301Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Advanced international students have gained an impressive grasp of the Chinese language.Though their communication barriers are gradually minimized,there still exist numerous obstacles preventing them from further improving their Chinese.One such obstacle,particularly difficult to master,is written style acquisition.Compared with spoken language,written language is significantly more difficult to learn.Students' compositions often contain style errors and inappropriate expressions,which result in more colloquial,informal writing.The current concept of style was introduced in China in the 1950s,and was established as an independent discipline.The study of Chinese language style has achieved fruitful results.Up to now,style researchers' researching methods have shifted from attaching the most importance to description and analysis,to instead focusing more on corpus and quantitative analysis.However,the study of stylistic features of modern Chinese lags behind the similar study of English,due to its greater difficulty and later starting time.Compared with vocabulary and grammar studies in the same field,studies on style from the perspective of teaching Chinese as a foreign language are minimal and lack ample research.The focus is mainly divided into two parts:quantitative analysis of the style of teaching materials,and the colloquial tendency of international students' Chinese written language.At present,current studies on style for foreigners learning Chinese focuses on directly teaching writing style,while studies seldom focus on teaching style acquisition through students,corpus.Based on the current research status of Chinese style,in terms of teaching Chinese as a foreign language and according to the interlanguage theory of error analysis in second language acquisition,the author classified the stylistic errors in students' compositions,and explained the causes,while using international students' written compositions as evidence,.The author used the questionnaire test method in the study to investigate the style prowess of international students in the American Chinese Flagship Program in Nanjing.The questionnaire further studied students' knowledge of Chinese style and was used to examine their written Chinese stylistic consciousness.In addition,the author has collected compositions in class,as well as exams for this project.Based on stylistics and the theory of error analysis in second language acquisition and in combination with the questionnaire tests,the author studied international students' awareness of style and further explored the status of written style acquisition in greater depth.During the research,the author found that international students with advanced Chinese abilities held a positive attitude towards style knowledge.Futhermore,these students showed a desire to learn style intricacies,and also displayed mastery of certain aspects of style in tests and compositions.Through error analysis in international students' compositions,the author found that the main types of errors were as follows:in terms of linguistic units,words,phrases,and sentences used in both colloquial and written forms,the compositions exemplifies inconsistent linguistic style;in terms of rhythm,the tone and flow of the writing had a inharmonious rhythm,due to a lack of knowledge of Chinese syllable collocations.In addition,the misuse of synonyms was also one common stylistic error.The causes of these errors are complex.Students' lilimitations,Chinese stylistic characteristics,the scarce amount of studies on the subject,and improper teaching arrangements make it difficult for students to have a breakthrough in their written expression of Chinese.Specific to these issues,this paper proposes the following teaching suggestions in order to facilitate students' learning.As for curriculum,teaching style should be added in each stage of learning in order to make the teaching stage-based and targeted.Teaching methods and teaching materials should be geared toward curriculum setting in order to implant the importance of style into students' brains,thus improving students' ability to use their knowledge of style and reduce errors while writing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Advanced stage, Written style, Acquisition, American students
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