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Investigation And Analysis Of The Allocation Of Medical Resources For Screening And Treatment Of Breast Diseases In Primary Medical Institutions In Liaoning Province

Posted on:2021-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y HouFull Text:PDF
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Objective: Primary medical institutions are the first line of defense for early screening and early treatment of breast diseases,and the improvement of primary health service capacity is also an important guarantee for reducing breast cancer morbidity and mortality.The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the allocation of medical resources related to breast disease screening in primary medical institutions in Liaoning Province,to clarify the allocation of human and equipment resources in breast disease diagnosis and treatment in primary medical institutions in Liaoning Province,to analyze the causes,and to put forward some feasible suggestions and relevant solutions to promote the rational utilization and distribution of medical resources,to promote the linkage and development of tertiary medical institutions,to optimize the market possession and positioning of excellent medical equipment in China,and to improve the rate of early screening and early diagnosis of breast cancer.Methods: The primary medical institutions in 7 demonstration areas of Liaoning Province,which can carry out breast disease screening,diagnosis and treatment related medical work,were selected as the research object,and the basic information of their business ability,human resource allocation information,equipment resource allocation information were investigated by filling out the self-made questionnaire on the spot,and the database was established for relevant analysis,and the questionnaires were all filled out by the relevant responsible persons of the organization.Results: Only 16 of the 98 primary medical institutions were able to carry out screening,diagnosis and treatment of breast diseases,accounting for 16.32% of the total.The related diagnosis and treatment activities were mainly in secondary medical institutions and maternal and child health institutions,while 82 medical institutions,accounting for 83.68%,did not carry out screening and treatment of breast diseases.In the allocation of human resources,the relevant professional medical and technical personnel hospitals are 1.15 people,senior professional titles and high academicqualifications medical and technical personnel are mainly concentrated in the second level medical institutions,the first level medical institutions do not have breast disease professional and technical personnel.As for the allocation of equipment resources,the main types of equipment are surgical equipment(408 sets,69.86%),the total number of screening,diagnosis and inspection equipment is not more than 15%,and the equipment is mainly allocated in secondary medical institutions,the surgical equipment is mainly domestic equipment(331 sets,81.13%),the imaging equipment is mainly equipped with imported equipment(56 sets,69.14%),and the pathological diagnosis and inspection equipment has no difference in the equipment territory(P>0.05).The regional differences of different levels of economic development are more obvious,respectively in high GDP? low GDP areas,breast disease screening and treatment related medical equipment import equipment allocation amount is significantly higher than domestic equipment(P<0.05).The performance of domestic low-end equipment is poor compared with imported low-end equipment,the after-sale service is more perfect,and there is no significant difference in price-performance ratio(P>0.05);compared with imported high-end equipment,domestic high-end equipment has higher cost-performance ratio(P>0.05),but there is no significant difference in equipment performance and after-sale service(P>0.05).Conclusion: The ability of screening and treatment of breast diseases in primary medical institutions in Liaoning Province is poor,the allocation of medical resources is insufficient,and there are problems of low quality and unbalanced structure.The main medical technicians and medical equipment are located in secondary medical institutions and maternal and child health care institutions,and primary medical institutions are basically unable to carry out screening and treatment of breast diseases related medical services.The shortage of medical equipment is the main reason why primary medical institutions can not carry out related work.The total number of medical equipment configured in China is higher than that of imported equipment,but the main equipment is medium and low end,the high end equipment depends on import obviously,and the economic investment of imported medical equipment is obviously higher than that of domestic medical equipment.We should strengthen the construction of the contingent of talents in primary medical institutions,optimize themethods of talent introduction and training,strengthen the configuration of hardware and equipment in primary medical institutions,perfect the policy of "adapting measures to local conditions" in medical equipment configuration,and ensure the quality and quantity of "software" and hardware.At the same time,we should improve the service system of primary medical institutions,improve medical insurance policies,clarify the functional orientation of primary medical institutions,implement the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system,and speed up the information and standardization construction of primary medical institutions in Liaoning Province.
Keywords/Search Tags:Primary medical institutions, Breast disease, Screening and treatment, Medical resource allocation
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