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Research On Optimizing The Performance Management Of FY Hospital

Posted on:2020-11-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D E HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2404330596473755Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
To deepen the health care reform,China implemented the principle of "nine prohibits" in 2013,and local price bureaus rolled out the policy of zero medicine markups on 1st,July 2017,and the policy of zero markups of medical consumables on 15 th,February 2019,while the fact that hospitals failed to make progress in time pushed them to reform their performance management systems.An array of hospitals is developing their own performance distribution systems based on their conditions and practices,and part of them started to change their performance management systems from total cost accounting to RBRVS(Resource-based relative value scale)which was later fully adopted with KPI(Key Performance Index)as a performance management system by FY Hospital in June 2018.This effort has brought great results that the performance bonus of the medical staff could decouple with medicines,medical consumables and the profit of hospitals,making the workload more intuitive to the medical staff.The fact that the performance reform was made on the basis of incremental reform has dramatically increased staff's performance bonus in terms of 18.95 million of total human capital in five months.As a result,according to the data of operation performance,profit has decreased 30% than the same period of last year.Doctors' income which represents their value decreased,making them less passionate about their jobs.The purpose of performance reform is to make performance ratio of doctors,nurses,technicians more rational,but it does not meet our expectation because relative ratio has not changed in the ratio sheet of the last five month.The study of this thesis presents the methods to improve management level through optimizing the performance management system as well as relevant theories.A positive loop in the performance management system of the hospitals includes the sharing of strategic goals,the integration of goals,the plan for strategic goals,continuous performance assessment(monitoring)and continuous feedback(mentorship,improvement,and development).But at present,FY Hospital has not put into its performance management system the sharing of strategic goals,personal performance goals and the integration of strategic goals,and continuous feedback(mentorship,improvement,and development).Its reform failed to improve its performance management system,and simply focused on performance assessment level.The opinion poll shows that staff aged from 21 to 30 knows the reform less than those aged from 41 to 50,the former even gave low credits to the rationality of the performance plan.In conclusion,there exists positive correlation between awareness element and fairness element.Consequently,it is the hospital's responsibility to better communicate with the staff,make them more satisfied,and even help them in changing work style and improving efficiency.Though a field investigation must be conducted to information system of the performance assessment,the data capture did not cover everyone.Only by counting and analyzing staff's performance,can the continuous feedback(mentorship,improvement,and development)work.The workload,including prescription and effort,of the staff could not be judged by intuition,but measured by technology.The data must be analyzed regularly in terms of individuals rather than offices.The performance management of FY Hospital must focus on the reform of the system other than performance assessment reform even though it is a public hospital.Performance reform includes the sharing of strategic goals as well as measures to evaluate individual performance.It must be both scientific and responsive aiming to the future and mission.A feasible system could improve itself in performance and the management capability of the hospital.
Keywords/Search Tags:Performance Management, RBRVS, KPI, Balanced Score Card
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