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Wu Peiheng's Experience In Using Ephedra

Posted on:2020-04-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2404330572971874Subject:TCM clinical basis
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Objective:This thesis takes "The Treatise on Febrile Diseases","The Golden Chamber" and "Wu Peiheng Medical Case" as reference materials,so as to study the experience of Mr.Wu Peiheng using ephedra.Methods:Through the study of the "Treatise on Febrile Diseases","Golden Chambers","Wu Peiheng Medical Case" and other materials,using a combination of literature research and statistical analysis,with the help of the Chinese medicine inheritance platform system,on the "Treatise on Febrile Diseases","Golden Chambers","Wu Peiheng doctor In the case,the use of Mahuang prescriptions in frequency,compatibility characteristics,treatment of diseases,indications and symptoms for statistical analysis,and a more complete understanding of Mr.Wu Peiheng's academic thinking and diagnosis and treatment characteristics.Results:1.A total of 61 first parties were screened,of which "Shanghan Lun" has 13 parties,"Jingui Yaolue" has 18 parties,and "Wu Peiheng Medical Case" have 30 parties.2.The drugs with the highest frequency of compatibility with ephedra were: "Shanghan Lun",Licorice,Guizhi,Ginger,Almond;"Jingui Yaolue",Licorice,Ginger,Gypsum,Jujube;"Wu Peiheng Medical Case",Licorice,Aconite,Asahi.3.The compatibility of common drugs with ephedra is: "Shanghan Lun" Mahuang-licorice,ephedra-cassia twig,ephedra-almond,ephedra-ginger,ephedra-jujube,ephedra-white peony,ephedra-licorice-cassia twig,ephedra-Licorice-Jujube;"JinguiYaolue" Ephedra-Glycyrrhiza,Ephedra-Guizhi,Ephedra-Gypsum,Ephedra-Ging er,Ephedra-Ginger-Glycyrrhiza,Ephedra-Ginger-Jujube;"Wu Peiheng Medical Case" Ephedra-Aconite,Ephedra-Asarum,Ephedra-Licorice,Ephedra-Aconite-Asarum,Ephedra-Licorice-Asarum,Ephedra-Aconite-Asarum-Licorice.4.The prescriptions containing ephedra in "Shanghan Lun" are mainly concentrated in the sun disease articles,which are 9 episodes of exogenous cold and cold(Mahuang Tang),sun typhoid and qi stagnation syndrome(Gegen Decoction),Sun Yangming(Gegenjia Banxia soup),sun typhoid and heat(Da Qinglong soup),sun typhoid and water drink(Xiaoqinglong soup),table Yu light syndrome(guizhi Mahuang each half soup,Guizhi Erma Huang Yi Tang,Gui Zhi Er Yue Yi Tang),evil heat sputum lung asthma syndrome(Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang);Yang Ming disease a total of 1: Yanghuang and table evidence(Ma Huang Lian Chi Chi Dou Tang);Shaoyin disease a total of 2:too few two feelings(Mahuang Xixin Fuzi soup,Mahuang Fuzi Gancao soup,disease a total of 1: Shang Shang Xia Han,Zheng Yang Yang stagnation(Ma Huang Sheng Ma Tang).Mainly taking ephedra and sweating to solve the table,Xuanfei Pingchuan,and the more Yuyang.There are 3 phlegm and blood stasis in the "JinguiYaolue".There are 2 strokes of diarrhea(Guizhi sputum Zhimu Decoction,Wutou Decoction);4 lung,lung,phlegm,cough and qi dysentery(Jiangma Mahuang Decoction,Houpu Mahuang Decoction,Yueyu Plus Banxia Soup,Small Qinglong plus gypsum soup);4 water and gas diseases(Yueyu soup,licorice Mahuang soup,Mahuang Fuzi soup,Guizhi to Peony and Mahuang Xixin Fuzi soup);convulsions and spit blood chest full of blood stasis(Pinxia Mahuang Pills),mainly take ephedra and sweat to solve the table,open Xuanfeiqi,hurricane Shengyang,Xuanfei Pingchuan,the effect of water and gas.The "Wu Peiheng medical case" uses Mahuang prescriptions for the most: Mahuang Tang,Ma Xin Fu Zi Tang,Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang,Xiao Qing Long Tang and so on.Take the ephedra and sweat to solve the table,the effect of the lungs and water,asthma.5.The common symptoms of Mahuang prescription are: fever,aversion to cold,no sweat,bad wind,head and body pain,pulse floating,etc.;,headache,want to be a sputum,etc.;"Wu Peiheng medical case" fever,cough,white fur,less food,headache,pulse Shen and so on.6.In Wu Peiheng's medical case,Mr.Wu Peiheng used raw ephedra 14 times,thedosage was 3-12g;raw hemp 5 times,the dosage was 2-5g;ramie 3 times,the dosage was 3-10g;ephedra root 1 time,dosage It is 10 g.Conclusion:1.Zhang Zhongjing uses the main idea of ephedra in the "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" to develop water and gas,open up the phlegm,open the lungs,raise the wind and rise the sun,and declare the lungs and asthma.Good at using ephedra prescription to treat exogenous cold and various internal injuries such as cough,edema,fever,stroke episode,rheumatism and so on.2.Mr.Wu Peiheng inherits and develops Zhang Zhongjing's academic thinking.Wu Peiheng first live with ephedra "lifting the pot to cover" method,through the lungs,open the sputum.Make good use of Ma Xin Fu Zi Tang,Ma Huang Tang,Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang,Xiao Qing Long Tang and so on.The most common use of Ma Xin Fu Zi Tang,treatment of yin cold disease,stubborn dysentery and a variety of internal injuries.3.Mr.Wu Peiheng is not good at raw ephedra,the dosage is 3-12 g,followed by raw hemp,the dosage is 2-5g,and the ramie is again,the average dosage is 3-10 g.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wu Peiheng, Use, Ephedra experience
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