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Base On The Data Collected From The Study Of Epigastric Pain And Medication Rules In Malaysia

Posted on:2018-10-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J Y e e S i e w K e i Full Text:PDF
GTID:2404330572967618Subject:Basic Theory of TCM
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:Nowadays,the occurrence of clinical epigastralgia are increasingly common,ancient books and research for epigastralgia extant literature,there is a lot of records,in the basis of a large number of reflects that generations of physicians understanding of epigastralgia pathological changes,which contains rich and profound medical sense.This study is a method of data mining to study the distribution of local stomachache syndrome and the rule of medicine in the local Chinese medicine.Climate change is consistent with the climate change in southeast Asia,Malaysia is a hot and humid equatorial climate,is located in north latitude DHS 1-7 DHS,due to long-term in a tropical climate environment,people more partial cold cool food and beverages,three national diet combined with local characteristics,greatly influence the epigastralgia the occurrence and distribution of syndrome.This study mainly analyzes the following aspects:The effect of various pathogenic factors on the formation of the stomachache(etiology analysis).Syndrome distribution and syndrome factor analysis(syndrome study);On the basis of the principle of "square evidence corresponding and drug testing"(drug research);The study focused on the correlation between the resistance and the geography and climate of the resistance in humid heat.Methods:This study was conducted from 1st march 2016 to 30th jun 2017 in Pu Jian Chinese Medicine Center and 100 cases of outpatients,aged from 18 to 65,with the diagnosis of epigastralgia were enrolled.Details of patients were recorded in the database,including patient particulars,disease,symptoms,syndromes,etiology,prescriptions,etc.Data mining methods such as frequency analysis,cluster analysis,factor analysis,were then performed in this database.Result:The results showed that in the etiology of local Malaysian stomachache,physical factors were the first,followed by the factors of emotion,and the following factors were the dietary factors.In the syndrome distribution factors,the liver and spleen deficiency are the most common.The dialectical treatment was used to enrich the spleen,stomach,spleen,liver and heat.The single side and the compound of clearing damp were the highest utilization rate,and the lesions were concentrated in the liver,spleen and stomach.Conclusion::Local Malaysia perennial temperature difference is not big,belong to the long summer climate,epidemiology in season epigastralgia studies show that from exogenous pathogenic factors or internal injuries,or from the signs,symptoms,treatment,therapeutic principle and prescription drugs,etc.,have shown caused by wet and heat resistance of epigastralgia Malaysia at home proportion is the largest.
Keywords/Search Tags:epigastralgia, Malaysia, syndrome, data mining, Stagnation by Heat-dampness
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