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The Epidemiological Investigation And Pathogen Identification Of Dog Babesiosis From Partial Small Animal Hospitals Of Shaanxi Province

Posted on:2020-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2393330599950544Subject:Veterinary Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Babesiosis,an important tick-borne blood protozoan disease,seriously endangers the health of dogs.The pathogen Babesia spp.inhabits in the erythrocytes of dogs,causing erythrocyte destruction,anemia,jaundice,hemoglobinuria,even death.In order to clarify the prevalence and the main pathogens of canine babesiosis in Shaanxi Province,the present study analyze the infection status of Babesia sick dogs in Xi'an Small Animal Hospital of Northwest A&F University in 2018,and investigated the prevalence and species of Babesia 338 sick dogs from 10 small animal hospitals in 4 cities of Shaanxi Province from July to December of 2018.1.This study detailed analyzed the diagnosis and treatment of one canine babesiosis case from Xi'an Small Animal Hospital of Northwest A&F University on 31st October,2018.The dog was diagnosed to be canine babesiosis through clinical symptoms and laboratory examination.The laboratory tests confirmed that the dog was suffering from Babesia.The dog recovered generally after treatment with blood transfusion,anti-babesia drugs and supportive therapies.2.A total of 1069 canine cases from Xi'an Small Animal Hospital of Northwest A&F University in 2018 were statistically analyzed.Among them,39 were positive for babesiosis,with the total prevalence of 3.65%.The highest prevalence was found in adult dogs(1~6years)(5.0%),followed by young dogs(0.5~1 years)(3.41%)and aged dogs(>6 years)(3.09%),and the lowest was in juvenile dogs(?0.5 years)(0.53%),but the differences were not statistically significant(?~2=10.776,df=3,P>0.05).Of 43 canine breeds,Babesia spp.were detected in 14 breeds,but the prevalence was not significant different(?~2=29.453,df=19,P>0.05)among these breeds.Although both babesiosis was found in male and female dogs,no significant differences(?~2=5.477,df=1,P>0.05)in prevalence were detected between them.However,significant differences(?~2=40.105,df=3,P<0.01)in prevalence were found in dogs in different seasons,with the highest incidence in autumn(9.92%),followed by spring(2.87%)and summer(1.67%),but no canine babesiosis was found in winter.3.In order to further clarify the prevalence and Babesia species of canine babesiosis in Shaanxi Province,a total of 338 blood samples were collected from 10 small animal hospitals in Xi'an,Xianyang,Ankang and Baoji cities of Shaanxi Province.A total of 53 Babesia nucleic acid positive samples were identified by PCR,with the total infection rate of 15.68%.Sequence analysis indicated that all the positive samples were B.gibsoni.Of four cities investigated,the highest infection rate was detected in dogs from Ankang(6.14%),followed by Xi'an(11.24%)and Baoji(6.06%),but no Babesia positive samples were found in dogs from Xianyang,and the infection rates in dogs were significantly different(?~2=32.676,df=3,P<0.01)among these cities.Although no statistical differences(?~2=1.059,df=3,P>0.05)were detected among dogs of four age groups examined,the lowest infection rate was found in juvenile dogs and the highest was in adult dogs.The infection rates in young and aged dogs were 12.50%and 16.40%,respectively.Of 37 canine breeds investigated,37 were positive for Babesia infection,but no significant differences(?~2=29.328,df=20,P>0.05)were detected among these breed.The infection rate in male dogs(18.33%)was higher than females(12.66%),but with no significant difference(?~2=2.050,df=1,P>0.05).Significant differences(?~2=27.869,df=2,P<0.01)in infection rates were detected in dogs of three seasons examined,with the highest in Autumn(27.78%),and the lowest in winter(6.10%).In summary,the Babesia infection of dogs in this study was mainly affected by the region and the season,and the main Babesia species was B.gibsoni.These findings provided basic data for the prevention and control of canine babesiosis in Shaanxi province.
Keywords/Search Tags:Babesiosis, dog, infection rate, species
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