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Study On The Judging Method Of The Characteristic Theme Of Haixi Prefecture's Urban Feature

Posted on:2021-05-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L S YeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2392330623983985Subject:Architectural Design and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,wit h the trans format io n of China's socia l and econo mic deve lopme nt and the improve ment o f t he planning s yste m,it has become t he ma in dema nd in the process of urban constr uct ion to create a d ist inct ive urban style.On the one hand,as an effect ive way to shape the style and features of cit ies and towns,there is a lack of in-depth research on the deter minat ion of characterist ic the mes.The exist ing research ma inly focuses on qua litat ive ana lys is and does not form a perfect theoretica l syste m.On the other hand,wit h the accelerat ion o f t he urbanizat ion process,the urban st yle faces the proble ms o f "one s ide of a thousa nd cit ies,one s ide of a thousa nd cit ies,and the homoge nizat ion of characterist ics ".In this context,on the basis of t he exist ing research results at ho me and abroad,this paper syste mat ically summarizes the determinat ion of the t heme of urban style and features,and constructs the ind icator syste m and met hod thinking,and selects Haixi Prefecture of Qingha i Province for empirical research.Haixi Prefecture,as a research case,has certain typ ica lity and practicality in terms of t he number of cit ies and towns,the current s it uat ion of features and so on.It is a typ ical case of comprehe ns ive research on the the me of features and features of mult ip le cit ies and towns.On this basis,this paper stud ies the met hods to determine the theme of Haixi's urban features,including the following aspects:(1)On the basis of combing the research status of the theme of urban style and features at home and abroad,this paper ana lyzes the nat ural basis,artific ia l carrier and huma nist ic characterist ics of urban style a nd features,excavates the influe nc ing factors of the the me of urban style and features,and furt her expla ins it in c omb inat ion wit h the e leme nts of features and features of each town in Ha ixi Prefecture,so as to put forward the indicators for shaping the theme of urban style and features System.(2)Starting fro m the composit io n system o f urban feat ures and the shapin g path of current urban features,this paper puts forward that the determinat ion method of urban features should fo llow the princ ip le of aut hent ic it y,ratio na lity and unique ness,and on this basis,it puts forward the determinatio n path of urban feat ures fro m the macro le vel,t he meso leve l a nd the micro le ve l,so as to explore a step-by-step urban features theme Research ideas.(3)This paper applies the index and met hod syste m to the practica l research of Haixi cit y's feature build ing,ana lyzes t he curre nt s ituat io n of Ha ixi c it y's feature roble ms,obtains the research data through stat ist ical invest igat io n,exper imenta l analys is and questio nna ire sur vey,and uses descript ive ana lys is met hod,principa l compone nt ana lys is met hod and cluster ana lys is method to Haixi c it y's style It is found that t his method can effect ive ly determine the unified the me,local the me and characteristic theme of urban style.(4)On the basis of examining the rationa lit y and operabilit y of the index system and method for judging the characterist ics of urban feat ures,this paper disc usses the applicat ion of the result in the shaping of urban features,and finds that the unified the me,loca l the me and character ist ic theme can be effect ive ly connected wit h the macro leve l,meso leve l and micro le vel o f urban features,and then fro m the posit io ning of features and features Zoning and feat ure guidance provide effect ive measures for the shaping of urban features.In a word,the research on the determinat io n of the t heme o f urban features has guid ing and guiding significance for the p lanning and guidance of urban features.Through the ana lys is of the connotatio n of the characterist ics of urban features,the paper interprets the e leme nts affect ing t he characterist ics of urban features,establis hes the eva luat io n index system of t he characterist ics of urban features,and explores the determinatio n method of the character ist ics of urban features in Ha ixi Prefecture,in order to provide reference for the comprehe ns ive study of the characterist ics o f mult iple urban features in t he region.(1)On the basis o f comb ing the research status of the the me of urban style and feat ures at ho me and abroad,this paper analyzes the natura l basis,artific ia l carrier and humanist ic character ist ics of urban style and features,excavates the influe nc ing factors of t he the me of urban style and features,and further expla ins it in comb inat ion with the ele ments of features and features of each town in Haixi Prefecture,so as to put forward the ind icators for shaping the theme of urban style and features System.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban fe ature, Characte ris tic the me, Method of judg me nt, Haixi prefecture
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