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The Impact Of Government Subsidies On The Economic Effects Of New Energy Vehicle Enterprises

Posted on:2021-01-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiuFull Text:PDF
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At present,China's environmental conflicts are more serious,the public's awareness of environmental protection is gradually increasing,and the enthusiasm for environmental protection is also increasing.Under the development of the government's admiration for a green economy,China's auto industry is currently ushering in opportunities and challenges in the transformation of industrial structure.In China's auto industry revitalization strategy,the country attaches great importance to the promotion and development of new energy vehicles.National-level macro-control,correct guidance and the allocation of relevant resources are very important for the transformation of the automotive industry,and government subsidies are the most important one of the country's many financial measures that can macro-control the market economy and lead the correct development of the industry.Government subsidies are mainly used to guide and promote the development of the new energy vehicle industry through fiscal and taxation policies and monetary incentives.China began to consider subsidizing the new energy industry in 2001,and formally implemented a subsidy policy in 2008.It expressed support for the development of the new energy industry through the use of financial appropriations,tax rebates,and free transfer of non-monetary assets.However,high financial subsidies have advantages and disadvantages for enterprises.The specific manifestation is that government subsidies promote the rapid growth of new energy automobile industries and enterprises' opportunities to "deceive and supplement".In order to solve these problems,the government issued a relevant document notice in2015,announcing that during the period 2016-2020,government subsidies will adopt a year-on-year retreat mechanism,which also means that government subsidies received by enterprises have declined year by year since 2016.Power battery as the core component of new energy vehicle industry,do power battery companies perceive the changes and requirements of the new environment? With the changes in national policies over the years,will the company's own financial performance,innovation capabilities,investment direction and business strategy change accordingly? In the face of the post-subsidy era in the industry,what methods should power battery companies use to cope with the development of enterprises? These issues are worthy of our face and discussion.This paper conducts research from the background and problems mentionedabove,and discusses the changes in the financial performance of enterprises before and after deduction of government subsidies,the performance of innovation ability after receiving government subsidies,and the government subsidies have an impact on the company's market share,investment direction and business strategy.What impact.This article selects the leader of the new energy vehicle industry-the CATL as the case study object for analysis.First,analyze the basic situation of the CATL,including its development process and operating status,as well as the reasons for obtaining government subsidies and the scale and methods of obtaining government subsidies over the years.Secondly,the effect of government subsidies on financial performance is studied by analyzing changes in normal financial indicators and financial indicators after deduction of government grants;by comparing government grants received by other companies in the same industry with their innovation inputs,R & D personnel,and patent output,the Analyze and explain its innovation ability;at the same time,by analyzing the changes in government subsidy policy since 2015,the market share,investment direction and business strategy of the CATL have changed accordingly,to find out what impact government subsidies have on non-financial performance of enterprises.Finally,according to the analysis,it is found that government subsidies can provide sufficient cash flow for enterprises,and enable enterprises to have sufficient funds to carry out technological innovation and develop market share,which can also alleviate the economic burden faced by enterprises,which can help companies increase market share and find out.Investment direction and adjustment of business strategy.At the same time,with the retreat of government subsidies,foreign competitors poured into the market,forcing companies to actively improve their innovation capabilities.Therefore,for the new energy vehicle enterprises in the growth stage,in order to obtain the support of government subsidies,they need to speed up the research and development speed.After receiving government subsidies,they should plan well,find out the direction of investment,and always pay attention to policy changes to adjust business strategies in a timely manner.This article consists of five chapters: The first chapter is an introduction.It mainly introduces the research background and significance of this article,the relevant literature content of domestic and foreign scholars on this topic,as well as the research ideas,methods and basic framework of this article.The second part is a theoretical overview of government subsidies and the economic effects of new energyvehicle companies.It mainly explains the definition of related concepts in the article,analyzes the influencing factors of new energy vehicle companies' government subsidies,and provides relevant theoretical basis for the following chapters;the third part is the case introduction of the CATL.This paper mainly introduces the basic situation of CATL in recent years and analyzes the reasons why CATL can obtain a large number of government subsidies,the scale of the amount of government subsidies it obtains and the way to obtain government subsidies.The fourth chapter is the impact of government subsidies on the economic effects of the CATL.Mainly through comparative analysis of the impact of financial performance,innovation ability,market share,investment direction and business strategy of CATL before and after receiving large-scale government subsidies,and the causes of these economic effects;the fifth part is the case conclusion And inspiration.Through the analysis of the above theory and actual cases,we have drawn specific conclusions on the impact of government subsidies on the economic effects of new energy vehicle companies,and summarized the enlightenment.Strategies can provide a reference to make the company develop better.The innovation of this article is that in the past,empirical studies on the impact of government subsidies on enterprises were used,and case analysis is very rare.Moreover,when studying the impact of government subsidies on enterprises,there are not many literatures that combine financial performance,innovation ability and non-financial performance.This article uses a single case analysis method,taking the leading enterprise of the new energy automobile industry as an example,to explore the impact of government subsidies on various aspects of the economic effect of enterprises,hoping to enrich the diversity of government subsidies related literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Government subsidy, economic effect, new energy vehicle, CATL
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