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Light Environment Design Of Urban Blood Station

Posted on:2021-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2392330620476243Subject:Environmental Art and Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After years of development in China,blood donation stations have gradually formed a complete blood collection system based on the needs of different regions and people,and formed a point-to-face coverage.From a fixed blood donation point to a mobile blood donation point,the working mechanism of linkage operation is achieved.The establishment of the blood donation station specifically combined the surrounding business environment and the characteristics of the crowd to achieve a rational distribution.While greatly facilitating people's blood donation,the blood source channels have also been expanded.With the progress of society,the shortcomings of the traditional blood donation model have gradually emerged.In the past blood donation process,we paid more attention to whether the blood donation volunteers would have physical discomfort during the blood donation process,and often ignored the psychological feelings of the blood donors.In the past,the design of blood donation stations was considered from the basic hardware requirements,and it tended to be more technical.In modern society,people's living standards have improved,and more people have begun to consider their spatial environment psychologically,aesthetically,and artistically.Therefore,this paper takes the light environment as the research direction,explores the positive impact of light environment design on people through relevant literature and research materials,and combines some excellent cases.This paper mainly researches and analyzes the light environment creation principles and elements,combined with the actual space environment,and summarizes the three elements in the light environment design,which are technical elements,artistic elements,and cultural elements.Based on the specific functional zoning of the blood donation station,according to the actual needs of different functional zoning,the light environment design principles and related theoretical analysis of the elements are analyzed.Relevant technical means are used to meet the high integration of light,colorand materials,as well as aesthetic and artistic treatment,to meet people's more psychological needs and improve emotional experience.
Keywords/Search Tags:Blood station, Light environment, Artificial lighting, Psychological feeling
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