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Research On Cost Management Of An Instrument Automation Project

Posted on:2021-05-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2392330614963880Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid coverage and rapid development of China's pipeline oil and natural gas,the field of instrumentation automation has entered a period of rapid development along with related demands.Due to the long project cycle and interdisciplinary management of pipeline oil and gas instrument automation,improving the cost management level of enterprise instrument automation projects has become one of the core problems in the industry that needs to be urgently solved.This article starts from the basic theory of project cost management,analyzes the current status of cost management of an instrument automation project,and clarifies the cost management problem of the instrument automation project;secondly,analyzes the needs of solutions based on the problem,and builds the cost management organization and costs.Quantitative standards,dynamic cost management,cost analysis and accounting methods were used to conduct demand analysis,and finally a cost management problem solution for the project was formed.Finally,the above programs were implemented on the ground,and the results of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis of the implementation effects were given.The main work done in this article is as follows:First of all,study the current status and problems of the cost management of an instrument automation project: sort out the current status of the cost management of an instrument automation project,clarify the difficulty of landing the management system,the dynamic management process does not match the business reality,the cost target decomposition is too extensive,and the cost assessment floats Constraints on the cost management of the four major projects,including the surface;pointed out the problems and bottlenecks in the cost management system.Secondly,on this basis,an optimized cost management system was established and implemented: by adopting a cost management organization with process traversal capability,a landing plan that refines the target cost compilation,and a list-style management of the dynamic cost control process is proposed,Build a result-oriented cost assessment framework,and verify the effectiveness of the landing results,effectively solving the problem of lack of linkage coordination and unplanned cost overruns in the original management process.Finally,the effect evaluation of the cost management system of the instrument automation project was evaluated.The evaluation results showed that: under the scenario of cost management organization process,removing up to 29 non-closed loop redundant processes;under the scenario of target cost compilation efficiency comparison,the key cost overflow costs The average decrease rate is 45%;in the scenario of dynamic cost control effectiveness analysis,the book margin is increased by 12%;in the cost control assessment scenario,the performance allocation is more reasonable and effective.Project cost is a key link in the development of the core competitiveness of the enterprise market.Under the current homogenization of engineering application technology and quality management,controlling cost management will greatly enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise.In this paper,through the study of instrument automation project cost management,you can effectively improve the level of enterprise management capabilities and increase business efficiency.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cost Management, Instrument Automation Project, Whole Process Management, Earned Value Method
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