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Investigation And Optimizing Design Of Orchid Garden In Xiangtan Panlong Daguanyuan

Posted on:2017-08-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the deepening of China's urbanization strategy,the continuous improvement of the social and economic level,the general public to return to nature,enjoy the green,the pursuit of elegant experience strong demand,agricultural theme park came into being,the use of facilities to create Orchid Park as many parks Business choice.How to create the suitable environment to meet the growth of different varieties of orchids in the artificial facilities,and to display the orchid's posture,shape,color and rhyme in science and art,and to design the expressive forms which the urban consumers enjoy and delight.The majority of orchid garden enterprises The problems faced and must be resolved.In this paper,the present situation,landscape resources and landscaping methods of Panlong Grand View Garden are analyzed,and the problems and shortcomings of Orchid Park are analyzed and analyzed.From the perspective of modern urban residents' demand and operation ornentation,the park is designed and optimized.Grasp and use of orchids in a variety of landscape forms,rich garden plant landscape.In order to improve the function planning of Orchid Park and provide the resource collection and preservation of orchid characteristics,we should innovate the orchid culture display form and focus on realizing the main functions of popular science education,humanistic creativity,sightseeing tour and interactive experience in orchid garden,Sightseeing park construction to provide a combination of theory and practice of the paradigm,in a better meet the consumption needs of people sightseeing tourism under the premise of the realization ofOrchid Park of sustainable development and efficient management.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xiangtan Panlong Daguanyuan, orchid garden, optimizing design, tourism
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