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The Essence Of Ego Experience And Architecture Space

Posted on:2018-10-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L MaFull Text:PDF
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Architecture space is not only a core concept of architecture,but also the special research object for the space problem of philosophy.The work that the further research about its nature should be carried out has realistic meaning,disciplinary paradigm and academic significance in the field of philosophy.There are many research methods about architecture space.By referring to the references existed,the author considers that the nature of the architecture space will be accurately pointed out from the perspective of the ego experience.By classifying all kinds of ego experience interpretation,in this thesis we realizes the overall correlation and critical reflection,which makes us get rid of the pure theoretical horizon or independent discipline research.Based on the research in this thesis,effective knowledge map and creative thinking method can be provided for researching the nature of architecture space.Husserl puts forward the ego experience problem from the perspective of phenomenology.His thought transfers the intention behavior and the time consciousness based on pure ego to the life world.The core part of thought is that how to find and solve the ego experience problems,and the symbolic concept is " empathy " with him.The thought can help researchers understand the concept of space consciousness and objective space,and imply the basic relationship between architecture space and social from the subjective aspect and objective aspect.Heidegger makes use of the concept "dasein" to resolve the gap between world and consciousness.Ego experience problems are no longer the transition between the consciousness and the life world,but in the form of displays for its ego and the "co-existence".Existence has the space structure,and the space is characterized by the diversity of place significance.The research presented by Heidegger makes it has a fundamental philosophy direction to understand the essence of architecture space,as is shown in the book "Bauen · Wohnen · Denken".Merleau-Ponty inherits thespace consciousness and the concept " dasein ",and proposes specifically the thoughts of being-in-world.Therefore,the ego experience problems can be put into practice for body existence problems.The route along the body-space contains some resources such as psychology and iconology,which provides powerful body cognitive basis for us to understand the nature of architecture space.Heinrich Schutz thinks that ego experience problems are no longer a transition or implicit concept,but have the legal fundamental significance.By criticizing and absorbing Husserl,s thoughts,Heinrich Schutz experiences the transition from perception experience to the social context and the life world experience,and provides a more direct way to understand the commonality problem of architecture space.It is different from other phenomenological thoughts and provides a very important reflection path for us to understand the essence of architecture space.This path proposed by Heinrich Schutz opens the horizon of space and architecture space.Some thinkers such as Habermas,David Harvey and Foucault carry out a wide discussion about these problems involving space social production and politics,which provides rich thought resources for the construction modernity problems.In terms of architecture,it has a very important academic value and can help us understand the architecture theory proposed by Heinrich Schutz,Hall,Pallas,Alexander and Zumthor.Meanwhile,we further study the nature of the architecture space along the perspective of ego experience,which can help us thoroughly understand human nature and thought foundation of architecture design.What's more,the phenomenological theory represented by Heinrich Schutz gives us a direct method to think the architecture space,provides the philosophy foundation for us to grasp the internal relationship between architecture space and politics,economy,and ideology,and further reveals the essential relationship between architecture space and social reality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ego experience, Space, Architecture, Life world
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