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Making History And Memory Reborn

Posted on:2019-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L XueFull Text:PDF
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Along with the acceleration of the urbanization process in our country,the renovation of the old factory landscape has aroused wide concern of the whole society,and there are many immature problems compared with the developed countries.The renovation of waste factory area should be based on the historical background,regional culture and urban development,on the basis of which the transformation strategy of local conditions should be used to design the landscape.Based on the current situation of domestic plant renovation and Taiyuan cultural background,combined with the old plant landscape renovation project of Taiyuan Chemical Fertilizer Factory,this paper studies and explores the types of the old plant landscape transformation and its transformation design method,and puts forward a design method suitable for the old plant landscape reconstruction of Taiyuan chemical fertilizer factory.The landscape renovation project of Taiyuan Chemical fertilizer plant is based on respecting the history,extracts the old factory landscape elements,uses the contemporary landscape transformation design method,creates the functional space of the post-industrial landscape suitable for the city development,and inherits the industrial culture,which makes the old factory area glow new life and vigor.Through the analysis,research,design and transformation of Taiyuan Chemical fertilizer plant,the goal of "let history and Memory Rebirth" is successfully realized.It is concluded that the renovation of the old factory should establish perfect protection policy and legal system,reform not only stay in the "demolition" and "Stay" problem,on the basis of the use of ecological,artistic and other means of transformation,for the rebirth of old factories to find a way out,to strengthen the old factory landscape transformation of new theory,new technology to explore continuously,The plant that carries the memory of the industrial era has renewed its new life.This design further enriched the old plant landscape renovation case,for other old plant landscape renovation project provides a feasible reference and basis.
Keywords/Search Tags:old factory area, landscape transformation, Taiyuan Fertilizer Plant
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