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Study On Energy Dissipation And Damping Control Of Multi-ribbed Composite Wall Structure Using Low Yield Point Steel

Posted on:2014-10-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2382330566968139Subject:Structural engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to the basic structural characteristics of multi-ribbed composite wall structure,we introduced the damping energy consumption technology;Combined with the energy characteristics of low yield point steel,this paper proposes a low yield point steel multi-ribbed composite wall plate,achived the damping control of multi-ribbed composite wall structure on energy consumption.Using IDARC program for the structure on the seismic response analysis,mainly for the hysteretic energy dissipation and damage analysis,as well as the structure damping control effect.The main contents are as follows: 1.Established the the seismic response analysis of model control system of multi-ribbed composite wall structure with low yield point steel suspension,with the selection of the different levels of yield strength and plate thickness of low yield point steel material.Compared the response of the models under different seismic waves in different amplitudes,including maximum floor displacement,maximum interstorey drift,maximum storey shear force and maximum acceleration of the models.Investigated the seismic performance of each models.2.Analyzed the hysteretic energy and damage performance of the structure model,mainly for the hysteretic energy dissipation effect of steel plates,overall structure damage under the action of earthquake,injury of beams and floor,the damage of component and plastic hinge and so on.Low yield point steel was discussed on the effect of structural seismic damage control.3.Put forward a constructive suggestions that the ratio of the initial valuations of low yield point steel ribbed composite wall section area and floor area for 1.0% ~ 3.5%,it can provide reference for suspension control in the preliminary design.
Keywords/Search Tags:multi-ribbed composite wall structure, Low yield point steel multi-ribbed composite wall, Energy dissipation and damage, Damping control
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