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Research On Product Interaction Design Based On VR

Posted on:2019-06-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Form serves the function."has always been the norm of modern industrial designers.But with the progress of science and technology and the development of the Times,people's living standards are increasing,and the demand for products has become various.From the simple supply of goods related to a variety of service consumption,from the principle of functional supremacy to a variety of personalized needs,such business trends make the designers engaged in industrial design more and more attention,the major enterprises to recognize the importance of industrial design,have opened a design department,a wide range of designers.At the same time,the task volume of industrial designers has been increasing.Virtual reality,is based on the external equipment and program content as a carrier,immersed in a subjective virtual scene,because this technology provides a very realistic visual image and surround the very strong sound field,even real tactile feedback,so the virtual reality scene has a very high immersion and telepresence.Virtual reality is different from traditional computer simulation technology,computer simulation technology is based on digital computer for the establishment of digital models,calculation of model data,reduce processing costs,analog processing technology,such as three-dimensional simulation technology,and virtual reality technology not only improve the above several aspects,it in the user and the designer's relationship,Design process improvement,cost saving,time and user experience are more effective.Therefore,it is necessary to study the application of virtual reality technology in product design.In addition,through the field visit in Shenyang,the author learned that many designers have long been tired of sitting in front of the computer all day to engage in design work,but can not change the status.This pattern of work has led to a rapid decline in the physical fitness of the designers,but the situation is not optimistic when it comes to realizing the condition of their bodies.This paper focuses on the implementation principles of virtual reality technology in product interaction design,and investigates the real distress of design practitioners.First of all,the paper introduces the development of virtual reality field,it also explains the development significance of virtual reality technology in the field of product design;Secondly,the paper comprehensively analyzes the meaning of users ' category and classification,and determines the target user group according to the theory of role elements and user experience design in the design industry;again,Based on the design methodology,the technical characteristics of virtual reality and the author's investigation results,this paper sums up the design elements and design principles that meet the needs of users.Finally,the author through the design and evaluation of the case of air purifier,demonstrates the rationality and feasibility of the research topic and method.In the field of product design,the author puts forward the principle of baihe design,considering two factors of experience and designer.This is not only a bold academic attempt,but also a reference for future research scholars in this field,especially for the design feasibility.Based on the theory of human-computer science,the best observation and interaction range of HTC Vive equipment are developed to facilitate the interaction between people and products.The author introduces the virtual reality system which conforms to the user's requirement to the design studio,participate in the design work of the Air Purifier project,and get the real feedback,save the time for the designer,save the resources for the investor,greatly improve the work efficiency,shorten the design cycle,enhance the user's experience quality,Improved the relationship between designers and users.
Keywords/Search Tags:Virtual Reality, HTC Vive, Interactive Design, Product Design, Ergonomics
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