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Conceptual Design Research Of Characteristic Town Based On Symbiosis Theory

Posted on:2018-12-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2382330515484348Subject:Urban Planning
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening up to the outside world,some achievements have been made in the development of small towns in China.However,there are some problems in the process of construction,such as weak economic vitality,shortage of financial resources,the sustainable development problem of lack of power.The proposition of "characteristic town" and the continuous promotion of policy have undoubtedly injected new vitality into the transformation and development of small towns,and become a new idea under the background of implementing the new urbanization strategy.However,in the analysis of many cases of characteristic towns,the differentiation is obvious,and the functional connotation of the small towns are not obvious.The planning of conceptual design in Zhanghe airlines characteristic town as an example,changed the original aviation metro development construction guidelines.The conceptual design in Zhanghe based on the understanding of the characteristics of small town,in order to effectively promote the concept of symbiosis theory interaction of multi elements,as economic development of similar regional strategies design reference.Through the research and analysis,it is found that the goal mechanism,system structure and evolution mechanism of symbiosis theory are consistent with characteristic towns.The symbiosis theory can be applied to the conceptual design of characteristic towns through the association of theoretical elements with design elements.This design defines the stability of mutual aid symbiosis relationship and integration symbiosis goal,and then determines the function of the bearing capacity of the characteristic town and the organization relation of the external transportation media through the optimization of the symbiosis of regional symbiosis.With the symbiosis between the inner units and sub units of the characteristic sub units(production,living Ecology),the industrial planning,facilities layout,green space system planning,overall space layout and urban designing of the district are guided.As a result,the external environment,industry development,community living,rural tourism and innovative culture of characteristic towns fit together and develop together.At the same time,the design discussed the urban and rural heterogeneous elements,the symbiotic relations of people and the environment,new and old space,it is not just stay in the expression of the graphic design,but also have a more deep thinking about the symbiosis subject relationship,and make the application of planning discipline more practical.In fact,the starting point of any design strategy in the text is based on the continuous improvement of the relationship between two or more than two subjects.From vicious competition to mutual cooperation,from encroachment to symbiotic feedback,from isolation to mutualism,the optimization of space in design is discussed through the change of relations.Such as the relationship between production and living space,living space and facilities supporting space,ecological space protection and feedback,and so on.The guidelines for design strategies lead the subject to seek the advantageous partners spontaneously.As for forms of relationship,in addition to the transitivity of ecological factors,the units of production and living are all through the symbiotic media to the flow of people,logistics,information flow path of traction——the interaction of people,the exchange of resources,the flow of information,etc.Symbiosis,cooperation,mutual assistance,stability,communication,stimulation and integration can be presented and expressedTherefore,not only is the planning and design of characteristic towns,but other small towns,rural settlements,cities and other subjects can be promoted through the relationship from the exterior to the interior,from the simple association view of the unit and the sub unit matching,of the isolated confrontation to the mutually beneficial change,the paper draws up the design strategy which is suitable for the development of the main body.It makes the connotation of symbiosis theory more extensive and more universal.Finally,there is a bit of thinking,there are obvious differences between the characteristic towns and small towns,if we pay too much attention to the particularity and construction mode feature of the characteristic town itself,for the pursuit of capital but lost of mind.This may make the characteristic small town "movement" more and more biased,which requires us to reflect on and alert.
Keywords/Search Tags:characteristic town, symbiosis, ecology, production, living
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