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Reserch On Pricing Strategy Of Spent Electric Vehicles' Power Battery With Hybrid Collection Channels Under Government Subsidy

Posted on:2020-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2381330626452717Subject:Logistics engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the increasing prominence of the petroleum energy problem and the worldwide attention to environmental protection,new energy vehicles have gradually become the inevitable trend of the development of the world's automobile industry.As the key components and power source of new energy vehicles,the matching quantity of power batteries has also been growing rapidly.The task of recycling waste power batteries is urgent and significant.At present,China's power battery recycling industry is still in its infancy,facing many problems and challenges.Based on this background,around the pricing decision-making of the participating enterprises in the hybrid channel recycling system,this paper establishes the recycling models under three scenarios: anarchic subsidy,government subsidy retailers and government subsidy recycling enterprises,and analyses the impact of key elements of participating enterprises,government subsidy and consumers' price sensitivity on the optimal decision-making.Firstly,the basic model of hybrid channel recycling is established,and the optimal decision-making of the participating enterprises is solved,and the conclusion is drawn through analytic analysis.The characteristics and advantages of the participating enterprises in the recycling system will interact with each other through hybrid channels,and ultimately affect the recycling price,the amount of recycling and the profits of the participating enterprises.Secondly,this thesis compares the optimal decision-making of government subsidy retailers and government subsidy recycling enterprises,and studies the choice of government subsidy mode when the amount of unit subsidy provided by the government is different for different subsidy objects.The results show that the government subsidy policy will promote and stimulate the recovery system,but the choice of different subsidy objects to give different unit amounts of subsidies will have different effects on the participating enterprises;the government's evaluation criteria for the effect of subsidies and different expectations for the amount of unit subsidies will affect the government's choice of subsidy objects.Finally,based on the industry status and enterprise research,this paper makes scientific and reasonable analysis and assumptions on the key parameters of the model,and analyses the impact of consumers' sensitivity to recycling price on the optimal decision-making of participating enterprises through an example.The results show that consumers are more sensitive and concerned about recycling price,which will increase the total amount of recycling and contribute to the recycling process.
Keywords/Search Tags:power battery, closed-loop supply chain, recycling channel, recycling pricing, government subsidy
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