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Research On The Thought Of Ecological Justice In The New Era

Posted on:2021-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2381330620461254Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
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Ecological justice refers to the rational development and utilization of natural resources by all human beings.Different countries,regions or groups have equal rights and assume equal obligations in the development and utilization of ecological resources.In capitalist countries,ecological problems cannot be fundamentally solved because ecology is included in the link of capital proliferation,and the ecological environment is continuously destroyed due to the unlimited expansion of capital and the pursuit of capital profit maximization.Comparatively speaking,the socialist countries under the guidance of Marxism have the advantages of guiding ideology,system and development,which provide the route guidance and fundamental follow for saving the ecological environment and solving the ecological crisis.In today's era when the trend of globalization is more and more obvious,solving ecological problems and ensuring ecological justice cannot be accomplished by one country or one system alone.We need capitalist countries and socialist countries to help each other and the whole world to work together to meet challenges and build a community with a Shared future for mankind.Since its founding,the People's Republic of China has continuously explored and practiced the solution of the ecological crisis,the construction of an ecological civilization and the realization of ecological justice.It has embarked on a socialist road with Chinese characteristics,and provided Chinese wisdom and solutions for the realization of global ecological justice.Entering the 21 st century,Chinese communists keenly see the importance of harmonious coexistence between man and nature for social and economic development,and put forward the scientific concept of development.The report of the 17 th national congress explicitly put forward the harmonious development of man and nature,man and society,the ecological civilization,ecological construction and the party's eighteen big into the construction of the "five one" layout,further highlights the ecological civilization construction of China's special importance,at the same time also shows that ecological justice is both a theory problem,but also the practical problem of pressing.In the new era,the Chinese communists with Xi jinping at their core have put forward the concept of ecological civilization construction with Chinese characteristics,namely,"to protect the environment means to protect the productive forces".This is also the guide for China to realize ecological justice.The study of the idea of ecological justice in the new era is of great significance for promoting China's high-quality development,meeting people's aspirations for a better life,building a beautiful China,and contributing Chinese wisdom and plans to the building of a community with a Shared future for mankind.This paper will study the thought of ecological justice in the new era from four parts.The first part is the definition of justice,ecological justice and ecological justice in the new era.The second part: research on the formation background and theoretical source of ecological justice thought in the new era.The formation of the thought of ecological justice in the new era,we must first face the reality of resource crisis,but also base on the new era,in the great practice of socialist modernization,to build a beautiful China.Ecological thoughts in Chinese traditional culture,Marxist ecological thoughts,Chinese communists' ecological justice thoughts and western ecological Marxist thoughts are the theoretical sources of ecological justice thoughts in the new era.The third part: mainly expounds the main content of the new era of ecological justice thought,this chapter is an important chapter of this paper,mainly from the following four aspects:(1)people as the center is the core of the new era of ecological justice thought;(2)the harmonious coexistence between man and nature is the basic foothold of the thought of ecological justice in the new era;(3)the mode of ecological economic development is the requirement of ecological justice thought in the new era;4.Building a beautiful China is the goal of ecological justice in the new era.The fourth part: the realization path of the thought of ecological justice in the new era.The practice of ecological justice in the new era requires that interspecies justice,intergenerational justice and intergenerational justice be met,and the realization path mainly includes the innovation of values,the development of ecological economy,the establishment of big data technology analysis platform for ecological and environmental protection,the play of institutional advantages,and the application of laws and policies.
Keywords/Search Tags:The new age, Ecological justice, Theoretical value, Realistic meaning, Content, The path
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