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The Research On The Implementation Of Environmental Accountability System In D District

Posted on:2020-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2381330602953289Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since Reform and Opening up,the traditional way of development has greatly overdrawn the environmental carrying capacity and destroyed the ecosystem.The environmental accountability system aims to regulate the administrative behavior and fulfill the responsibility and obligation of environmental protection by carrying out accountability to the government and its staff.This is a good supervision and guarantee mechanism that can effectively enhance the government's sense of responsibility and promote social governance.Contrary to the environmental accountability system,although China has established the ecological environment accountability system,various environmental pollution incidents are still frequently reported,which reveals that the responsibility of the government in the field of ecological environment has not been well implemented and the environmental accountability system has not been effectively brought into play.In reality,the practical issues of understanding environmental accountability are subject to two factors.On the one hand,it is not possible to systematically collect accountability cases.Influenced by the traditional political thinking of the "official standard" and the protection of the government's credibility,most local governments are reluctant to disclose or lack the courage to disclose environmental the region.On the other hand,the detailed process of environmental accountability cannot be understood.Since the accountability process of environmental protection accountability cases that have been published in newspapers and magazines and online media has not been made public,the people cannot understand the whole process of environmental accountability.Based on the above considerations,this paper takes the author's D area as a research sample,and collects 34 environmental protection accountability cases implemented in D area from 2016 to 2018 with the help of job advantages.Summarize the practice status of environmental protection accountability in Area D.There are four aspects:heavy accountability and light accountability,direct responsibility and light leadership responsibility,emphasis on "results" accountability and light "process"accountability,emphasis on "internal reporting" and light "social disclosure".Based on the above practical conditions,the problems are analyzed and the following problems are summarized.Five countermeasures and suggestions for improving the enforcement of environmental protection accountability at the grassroots level were proposed.Further strengthen the system construction and promote the construction of a three-dimensional and comprehensive work system.Further clarify the responsibilities and authorities,and firmly establish the work concept of equal rights and responsibilities.Further improve the accountability body and promote the formation of a multi-faceted and good governance work pattern.Further strengthen internal management and effectively improve the work level of accountability.Further strengthen information disclosure and maintain a benign interaction between the government and the public.
Keywords/Search Tags:accountability, environmental accountability system, implementation issues
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