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Ecological Thoughts Of The Book Of Rites

Posted on:2018-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y LiangFull Text:PDF
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This paper mainly discusses the ecological thoughts in The Book of Rites.It discusses the relationship between man and nature from the conceptual level and the behavior level.The conceptual level is discussed from the aspects of ontology and values,such as the ecological holistic view and ecological values.The discussion from the practical aspects of behavior level is the sustainable use of ideas.First,the relationship between human and nature is part of the relationship with the whole on the ecological holistic view of The Book of Rites.The ontology of The Book of Rites has the meaning of origin and roots.Li is an important medium between human and nature.The metaphysics of Li is Taiyi.The concrete science of Li is Tiandi.And the ancients through the ceremony to understand the natural environment.Second,the traditional values of Confucianism are benevolent,righteous,filial piety and so on.This paper argues that ecological values affirm the ecological value and status of people.It is manifested as a respect for nature,love nature,and conform to nature.People naturally attitude should be in awe and gratitude.The moral concern of nature is love.Shun is the relationship between man and nature the most harmonious performance.Thirdly,sustainable use of ideas expressed as using and protecting natural resources.It stressed that the use of natural resources clockwise.Natural protection is reflected in the ecological management and related laws and regulations.While continuing to use ideas also expressed a sense of ecological worries.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Book of Rites, Ecological holism, Ecological values, Sustainable use
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