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Youth's Food Social Intercourse In The Mobile Internet Era

Posted on:2020-05-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J XiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2381330575965362Subject:Journalism and Communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China originated from the well-developed ancient farming civilization,and hunger breeds discontentment is the most basic in the concept of Chinese food culture.From ancient Chinese agricultural society to today's information society,no matter how the society changes,eating is not only the first need for people's survival,but also a very common way of communication.People like to build and maintain human relations through"eating".In the era of oral communication,written communication and electronic communication,due to the limitation of media technology,people's diet and social activities are generally the feelings contact between relatives and friends,the meals in the official circles and and job markets,or the meals of people gathering around a table to eat in order to achieve certain social purposes.Traditional dietary socialization is inevitably bound by time,region and identity attributes.Young people are the main group of people who use new media,and the development of network subjects tends to be younger.Therefore,this paper takes the youth group as the research object,focusing on the theme of"Youth's dietary socialization in the mobile Internet era",based on the theory of"virtual community",and taking "mass remark" network community as a case,by consulting literature,questionnaire research,participatory observation and in-depth interviews,explores and answers that as to food social communication in the mobile Internet Age,what changes ha've been made compared with traditional dietary social interaction and what role have they played in expanding the social circle of young people?The first chapter of this paper is to sort out the changes of food socialization from traditional diet socialization to mobile Internet era.This paper expounds the current situation of mobile food social interaction from three dimensions of"social scene","social motivation"and"social subject".Traditional dietary socialization is often based on family,industry and geographical acquaintances.The emergence of the Internet,especially the advent of the mobile Internet era,has overcome the time lag and spatial isolation in long-distance communication.People can rely on social media to achieve real-time interaction.The virtual presence of the body enables people all over the world to achieve equal communication across time and space.The second chapter is about the reasons for the popularity of food topics and the formation of new forms of food socialization in the mobile Internet era.In this chapter,from the three dimensions of"technical power","business competition"and"audience demand",the author analyses the contribution of"popularization of mobile Internet and use of mobile social media","competition between catering market and users of social app for gourmet food","satisfaction of people's needs by gourmet food and social communication for gourmet food" to the formation of new social style of gourmet food.Chapter three chooses the popular remark APP with strong social attributes and the network community as a case study,observes the social behavior of users based on the popular remark APP,and describes the user portraits of the group of gourmet interests in cyberspace with the data collected from the questionnaire survey,so as to explore and discover the users in the virtual community.What kind of self-identity and psychological needs are behind the display behavior?In the fourth chapter,the author participates in the daily interaction and communication of Weixin Group,as a researcher.Combining with questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews,the author explores the construction of the public remark network community,the network interaction mechanism of the members of the community and the realistic communication mode.From point to face,from individual to group,this paper depicts the social picture of young people in the age of mobile internet.Finally,in the concluding part,the author makes further reflection on the characteristics of youth's food socialization in the era of mobile internet,and summarizes the role of this new social system in youth communication and social circle expansion.
Keywords/Search Tags:mobile social intercourse, food social intercourse, network community, public remark web
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