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The Influences Of Min And Yue Cuisines On Thai Food Culture

Posted on:2020-07-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2381330572982289Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Food is deeply vital for human survival and development.Chinese culture has a long history and is deeply broad and profound,Under certain historical conditions,in the course of living and practicing,the Food Culture the Chinese nation has formed also has a long history and rich connotation.Through the appearance of "Food",we can understand the behaviors and cultures of the nation.China and Thailand both belong to Asia,so the food cultures of this two countries unavoidably have the characteristics of Asian Food Culture.Thailand has a history of more than two thousand years of trade exchanges and friendly communications with China as a close neighbor country of China.As is known to all,Thailand is the main country to accept immigrants from Lingnan area.Now most of Chinese in Thailand are from China's Guangdong,Fujian and other provinces.During the Ming Dynasty,Chinese people in the two provinces of Fujian and Guangdong came to the area called Nanyang in order to seek new opportunities for survival and developments,They were engaged in business activities or staying in Thailand.During this process,they not only promoted the economic and social developments of the Thai region,but also brought the collision and integration of the two country cultures.Food culture is an important part of the Han nationality culture.Although this kind of culture seems simple,it is closely related to everyone' s life.Because these early Chinese still retain a strong food culture traditions and living habits in China's Fujian and Guangdong regions,during the productions and life of the people in the two countries,Thai Food Culture is inevitably affected by the food cultures of China's Fujian and Guangdong regions.This article focuses on the target of the Min and Yue cuisines with Chinese Food Culture characteristics and tries to study the influences of Min and Yue Cuisines on Thai Food Culture.The main contents of this article are as follows:The first chapter is the introduction,this part helps people to straighten out the Min and Yue Cuisines and their developments,Thai Food Culture and developments,this two cuisines in Fujian and Guangdong regions and their relationships with Thai food cultures and developments.The second chapter is a brief introduction to the origins and developments,classic dishes and characteristics of the Min and Yue Cuisines among the eight major Chinese cuisines.The third chapter mainly discusses the connotation and characteristics of Thai Food Culture,food materials selection and seasonings,cooking techniques,the use of Chopsticks and eating ways as well as the featured dishes.Based on the overviews of the second chapter and the third chapter,this forth chapter tries to exploring the influences of the Min and Yue Cuisine on Thai Food Culture from the use of chopsticks and eating ways,ideologies about eating food including food philosophy as well as food aesthetic and health,dietary customs and the flavored dishs with Min and Yue Cuisines characteristics in Thai Food,so the fourth chapter is the key chapter of this article.The fifth chapter explained the reasons why the Min and Yue Cuisines could have an impact on Thai Food Cultures from the following five aspects:geographical locations,historical origins and trade exchanges,ethnic migrations and cultural communications,fascinations of Chinese Food Culture and Thai Cu ture.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Min and Yue Cuisines, Thai Food Culture, Influences
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