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Nanyue Fragrance Integrated Packaging Design Based On The Perspective Of Praying Culture

Posted on:2020-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W DaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2381330572977443Subject:Art and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hengshan is one of the Five Sacred Mountains.It is known as the“Five Sacred Mountains”.It is not only natural and magnificent,but also rich in local customs.It also attracts many religious believers and tourists with its long-standing and sacred and rich blessing culture.Since ancient times,the Emperor has paid great attention to the rituals of rituals.Later,the ritual activities were integrated into the religious culture.Some ancestral temples began to be established throughout the country,attracting many people to worship here.Nanyue is a famous holy place for blessing.As a famous praying place in the south,the temple view of Hengshan Temple is everywhere,and the incense is swaying.Under the background of the Nanyue praying culture,the incense supplies that carry people's beautiful vision have been raised to a very important position.The “fragrance” in this topic refers to the scented items used in the temple worship,including sachets,incense,coils,incense sticks,incense sticks,etc.Through investigation and analysis of some of the fragrant lines of Hengshan and the fragrant packaging design of the scenic area,the author finds that Nanyue's scented products are various and scattered,the design is simple,the packaging process is rough,the products lack regional,cultural and aesthetic.And it is not portable when people are fragrant and respectful.Based on this,the author takes the praying culture as the starting point and deeply analyzes the current situation of local packaging design.Combining the blessing culture with the fonts,patterns,colors and materials of Nanyuexiang packaging design,it expands the packaging design space of Nanyue Fragrance,meets the aesthetic needs of pilgrims,and also displays local cultural characteristics,transmits Chinese cultural information,and establishes Better brand image,broaden the Nanyue fragrance market and promote the development of local tourism.
Keywords/Search Tags:clifford culture, nanyue fragrance, integrated packaging design
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