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On The Development Of The Creativity Of Postgraduates

Posted on:2019-05-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Q WengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2381330572961109Subject:Public Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mineral resources are an important part of Longquan upstream and downstream industries and an important material basis for people's production and life.With the sustained and rapid development of economy,mineral resources are increasingly exhausted,and their status is becoming more and more important.However,due to the lag of management,problems such as extensive exploitation of mineral resources,low environmental pollution and resource utilization efficiency,unreasonable economic structure of mining industry in Longquan City,especially in the period of industrial revitalization and development in recent years,the demand for resources has increased rapidly,and the resources available for exploitation have only 100 years of reserves,which has become the development of enterprises."Bottleneck".To solve these problems,the key is to strengthen the effective management of mineral resources.Guided by five years' experience in grass-roots management,this paper systematically analyses the problems and causes of mineral resources management in Longquan City,and puts forward concrete and feasible measures and Countermeasures to solve these problems.This paper is mainly divided into three parts:The first part elaborates the background of this research topic and the research status of other scholars on similar topics,and introduces the development and utilization background of large mineral resources in China,which corresponds to the development and utilization background of mineral resources in Longquan City.The second part mainly elaborates the evolution process of mineral management in China and some theoretical concepts,so that readers can more clearly understand the main content of this article.China's mineral resources management has gone through three stages: the first stage is from 1949 to 1986.This stage is the stage of the state's highly centralized and unified planning and management system for mineral resources;the second stage is from 1986 to 1996.This period is the stage of legalization and reform and opening-up of mineral resources management.The third stage is from 1996 to the present.This period is a period of deepening reform.In order to meet the needs of socialist market economy,China has carried out a series of reforms in mineral resources management.In the third part,the main problems of mineral resources management in China are discussed as follows:(1)backward management concept and inadequate governmentsupervision;(2)imperfect management mechanism and lack of coordination;(3)backward management mode and ineffective use of various policy means.The fourth part,the corresponding countermeasures are:(1)optimizing the management mechanism and changing the management concept;(2)improving the supervision and management system,establishing a multi-sectoral coordination mechanism;(3)innovating the management mode to promote the development of mining industry.The innovation of this paper is different from other articles in the same way of "adjusting industrial structure" and "transformation of development mode",but to explore effective management means to effectively manage "resource-based cities" in order to increase the prosperity life of resource-based cities and achieve sustainable development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Longquan, China clay, magnetite, mineral resources and planning countermeasures
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