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Study Of Local Governance,Environmental Regulation Preference And Pollution Reduction Effect

Posted on:2019-06-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2381330572496365Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid economic development,the environment pollution has been more and more seriously.The concept of sustainable development was first proposed at the United Nations Human Environment Symposium in 1972,which also indicated that environmental issues have become a common topic for people around the world.In order to prevent the continued deterioration of the environment,pollution reduction is a necessary path.Pollution reduction,which is not only the need for environmental protection,but also the need to build a resource-saving society,plays a crucial role in promoting long-term peace and stability in the country.In order to achieve the effect of emission reduction,the use of environmental regulation measures is the most important approach.Among them,the two most commonly used regulatory methods are command-control and market-incentive regulatory measures.For local government,there is nothing good or bad about environmental regulations.The type of regulatory measures to be used must be combined with the local governance capabilities.Different local governance capabilities have different transaction costs in the regulatory process.As a rational economic man,local governments will inevitably choose the means of regulation with low transaction costs,which will maximize efficiency and thus promote pollution reduction more effectively.This paper,starting with the panel data of 30 provinces,uses classified comparison and multiple estimating methods to elaborate the relationship among the emission reduction effect,environmental regulation measures,and local governance capacity,which comprehensively analyzes the influential path of local governance levels on emission reduction effects.path.Among them,local governance capacity is a multi-dimensional concept,the index of which,therefore,should be done to compare and this multi-dimensional index must be converted into a single-dimensional comparable value.The paper,utilizing a standard deviation coefficient method through the construction of indicator system,assigns weights to the indicators in each dimension of local governance capacity.Through weighting,a unidimensional value is finally obtained,which represents capacity the local governance in the region.Then this article discusses both theoretical and empirical aspects.Theoretically,three assumptions are put forward:1.The stronger the governance ability,the more it prefers to use market-based environmental policies;2.With the increase in marketization,the use of market-based environmental policies can increase the effectiveness of emission reductions;3.The improvement of local governance will increase the effectiveness of emission reduction.Empirically,the above three hypotheses,having been verified by the use of mediation model,prove to be true,meaning that the effects of emission reduction have been achieved.And the areas with strong local governance capabilities prefer to use market-incentive regulatory measures;on the contrary,regions with weak local governance capacity prefer to use command-control measures.Further studies have shown that the eastern region can achieve pollution reduction through market-incentive environmental regulations,while the central and western regions can only achieve pollution reduction through command-control environmental regulations.The last chapter of the article,based on the above conclusions,gives reasonable policy recommendations.That is,in the process of controlling environmental pollution,two kinds of regulatory measures should be used in combination to reduce government governance costs,improve governance efficiency,and promote emission reduction effects,which is of referential significance in practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pollution Reduction, Local Governance, Environmental Regulation
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