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Apprenticeship And Inheritance Of Jun Porcelain Technology

Posted on:2019-11-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y WangFull Text:PDF
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Since Confucius gave lectures on the alter of apricot,leaving behind three thousand disciples,the student-teacher relationship has gradually been widely recognized and respected by society.In the long history of Jun porcelain,the teaching method of apprenticeship,which can exert a comprehensive and far-reaching influence not only on improving level transfer of technology,but also playing an important role in the inheritance of spiritual culture and other wealth.As an ancient way of skill inheritance,the apprenticeship has experienced the ups and downs in the vicissitude of the world,and what role the master system has played in the inheritance of Jun porcelain technology is the question this paper is devoted to answer.During the visit to six Jun porcelain enterprises in Yuzhou city and Shenhou Town,by the inspection and interview,researchers observed the production process and skill transfer process of Jun porcelain,and the most impressed thing was the decline of the apprenticeship system.There were four main manifestations of this decline: the lack of talents,the decrease of working procedures,the reduction of the scope of application and the weakening of the authority relationship.The apprenticeship has been diluted in the modern production workshop.Behind this is the profound social background and practical considerations,and also the choice of enterprises after weighing the balance between the inheritance of skills and the pursuit of benefits.Therefore,the apprentice still retains the essence of inheritance in the scene of Jun porcelain production,but it desalinates the form of inheritance,which to some extent is also the embodiment of the system of apprenticeship conforming to the changes of the times.As the investigation progressed,especially after visiting several famous Jun porcelain artists,the researcher got deeper comprehension of the apprenticeships.Unlike in modern factories,the high level Jun porcelain artists have a purer and more pressing need for technology inheritance.They have a sense of responsibility for passing on technology,and a Jun porcelain business waiting to be inherited.Therefore,at this circumstance,the role of apprentice is self-evident.In fact,the apprenticeship retains much more than pure technology,but covers the reservation of social relations that are of particular importance to apprentices,and the reservation of the group of masters and disciples who are of great significance to the development of Jun porcelain itself.The former,together with technology,constituted an indispensable asset for apprentices on the road to Jun porcelain,while the latter was responsible for construction of Jun porcelain this kind of porcelain development prospects.In addition,social capital based on social relations also needs to exist through the system of apprentices.In order to have a deeper understanding of the relationship between apprenticeshipand Jun porcelain technology inheritance,this paper analyzes the reasons for the retention of apprenticeship,and finds that master and disciple system is inheriting the artistic quality of Jun porcelain craftsmen,maintain the image of Jun porcelain master and create local business cards play an important role.As an inseparable form of skill inheritance for Jun porcelain,the apprenticeship bears the cultural connotation of Jun porcelain,which is far beyond the object itself,so it is preserved from the master system in the inheritance of Jun porcelain technology.As a national intangible cultural heritage,the inheritance of Jun porcelain should not be limited to the objects and techniques itself,the intangible wealthrely which rely on apprenticeship to get inheritedbe do need our society to pay close attention.
Keywords/Search Tags:apprenticeship, Jun porcelain, technology inheritance
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