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HT Company (Chong Qing) Polyurethane Project Evaluation

Posted on:2018-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M H LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2371330551957199Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Food packaging is an integral part of food products and an important process in the food industry.It protects food during circulation and prevents biological,chemical,physical,or other external factors from damaging.Food packaging not only plays a role in protection and publicity,but also facilitates the transportation,storage,sale and consumption of food.To a great extent,food packaging has become an integral part of food.Flexible packaging has strong protection,light quality and soft,wide material source,simple processing technology,convenient transportation and low cost,resulting in rapid development of composite flexible packaging in recent years.According to the British painuo International released the "2016 global flexible packaging market forecast" the survey report shows that in 2016 the global flexible packaging consumption volume is expected to reach 22 million 500 thousand tons,the output value of $71 billion 300 million.Polyurethane adhesives,as one of the raw materials for composite flexible packaging,have developed rapidly in recent years.China adhesive industry has developed rapidly in recent years,2010,adhesive and sealant production was 4 million 628 thousand tons,sales of 58 billion 730 million yuan,compared with 2009 growth of 14.27%and 11.65%(Chinese adhesive industry association).Polyurethane adhesives have been developing rapidly in the past ten years,with an average annual sales growth rate of 20%.It is the fastest growing adhesive product.2010 polyurethane adhesive output reached 476 thousand tons,sales of 9 billion 520 million yuan,accounting for 10.3%of the total adhesive output and 16.2%.With the development of domestic adhesive technology,the import speed of products will increase rapidly,and the market capacity and expansion speed will be accelerated in the future.On the basis of detailed analysis of polyurethane project industry prospect,market demand and competitors,a large number of related literature is reviewed,and the basic theory and method of project evaluation are expounded in detail.At the same time,through the analysis of the SWOT of the project,determine the strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats of polyurethane project,at the same time through the analysis of construction conditions,polyurethane project analysis,engineering technical scheme of environmental assessment and financial analysis,multi angle,all-round evaluation of HT company(Chongqing)polyurethane project for HT company(Chongqing)polyurethane project investment and future development to provide guidance and evaluation.
Keywords/Search Tags:polyurethane, flexible package, SWOT, environmental evaluation, Project evaluation
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